Chapter One

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" I was Seven and you were Nine I looked at you like the stars that shined, like pretty lights."

"Daddy! When can Dora and me go meet our new neighbors?" A seven year old Lilac Tonks asks her father "Soon Lils" Dora says as she was carying a box from the car. Lilac had been jumping up and down from the excitement. Her hair had changed from its original light brown to a very bright yellow which was usually the color that it turned when she was super excited. "Okay Lilac, are you ready? " The older sister asks. "YES let's go!!" She yells while grabbing her older sisters hand and trying to drag her to the funny looking house with all the red headed kids playing outside. "Dora! I'm so excited to meet them! Do you think their nice? Are they going to like me? " Lilac asked all these questions so fast her sister barley understood a word of it. "Lil, take a breath with me okay? Breath in breath out. Good. Now I'm sure they'll love you hun. Just be yourself. " Nymphadora smiled at her little sister. The two headed over to thier neighbors house the closer they got the more they could see the old house with a bunch of different floors added onto it. It looked a little funny but once the girls saw all of the children running around playing in the front yard the youngest of the two looked up at the then 14 year old and smiled a big smile " Can I please go and play?" She asked " of course you can dear," Their mother had said behind them right next to thier father. Nymphadora had been holding onto the younger girls hand and smiled at her as she ran up to a boy who looked to be around her age who looked like he was playing wizards chess by himself. "Hi, I'm Lilac Tonks we're your new neighbors! Can I play with you? " "Hi I'm Ron! Do you know how to play wizards chess?" Lilac had nodded enthusiastically and sat down to play. Nymphadora had noticed three of the boys from school. One had graduated just recently, another was in her year and the other was 2 years younger than her. All of them had been put into Gryffindor. She smiled at the boy in her year and waved walking over to him and talking about how quiditch was going. Both sets of parents had started talking on the porch. " Georgie! Come look at this!" A boy with flaming red hair (like the rest of the family)and freckles and an identical boy had come up to Ron and Lilac. " Well Freddy looks like ikle Ronniekins has found himself a girlfriend!" The one that had just come up to the three of them had said. Lilac had been paying them no mind until George had said that. Once she did though she had looked right into his eyes they looked just like pools of chocolate and the freckles across his face along with his bright red hair made him look so pretty, his eyes shined when the sun hit them just right. Lilac hadn't noticed but her hair had turned a very odd shade of pink and purple when she looked at George Weasley. Her mother, sister and even her father had seen the way she looked at him the first time. It was like looking at the stars in the sky or pretty lights. George had been staring at the younger girl he liked her blue eyes and the way her hair changed colors. And from then on The Weasleys and the Tonks' had become great friends.

Our Daddys used to joke about the two of us growing up and falling in love. Our Mama's smiled and rolled thier eyes and said Oh my my my..."

It's been a little over a month sense the Tonks family had moved in next door to the Weasleys. In one week Nymphadora will be going back to hogwarts along with Charlie and Percy. All of the the other kids weren't old enough to go to the school of witch craft and wizardry yet. Lilac had learned that the weasleys had 7 children all together and they only had one girl who was 1 year younger than her. Ron was the same age as her and the twins were 2 years older than them. "Hey Lils! You want to come play tag with me and Freddy?" A Nine year old George had asked her. The seven year old had smiled brightly and nodded enthusiastically while her hair turned from its natural brown to a very bright yellow talking to the older boy. Their parents had noticed that whenever the two talked or played together that her hair would stay that way for the rest of the day. As they were playing tag George had been chasing the seven year old he and her were both giggling as he tried to catch up to her she smiled while screaming and trying to get away. Once he finally got to her he yelled "Tag you're it!!" And ran in the opposite direction Lilac turned around and tried chasing him again until she saw Ron running closer to her she giggled and tagged him forcing him to play with them. Ron pouted after she ran away yelling " No tag backs!" Ron caught up to one of the twins and tagged them this twin ran after Lilac again. " Do you think they'll get married one day?" Edward asked the other three parents sitting with him. " Oh I bet they will, they'll grow up and fall in love." Aurther had replied. Both of the mothers looked at each other and rolled their eyes saying "oh my my my." Watching The youngest Tonks and the younger of the Weasley twins.

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