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Tears fell from my eyes. A silent scream ripped through me as I stared at the sight myself in the mirror. Broken and dying inside. I could feel the hate boiling inside of me. No one cares about me. How could anyone care for this worthless sack of shit? Maybe it'd be better if I just left.

My eyes a red and angry looking from crying for an hour. I had gotten myself to stop crying but immediately started again within a few minutes cause I over think everything. The only ones I have in my life blab about all their problems. I keep asking them how they are even though I don't get asked in return.

I wanna leave but I don't want to be alone. Maybe I can take one person with me. I hope they'll come with me. I have commitments though, school, job, homework and dreaded chores. I don't get enough credit for how much things I do. Basically I had to give up my social life to do what I do.

My blood is burning and boiling inside me as I want to scream out why I hate everything in this god forsaken world. I want to leave so badly but these stupid commitments make me put up with everything I do.

I work so hard to keep everyone happy but I'm unappreciated. "Can you do this for me," (I don't have a choice but its right fucking beside you!!). "This is your fault," (well thanks its not like I hate myself already). You can get asked to do a million things at a time but you have to do them all at the same time or someone gets mad at you like what the fuck?!?

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