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Izuku pov

This all started when I was only six years old.

"Mom? Are you ok?" I asked her as she started coughing.

"Yes baby. I'll be fine. I just need to rest a bit ok?" Mom answered. I nodded my head.

I got on the computer while mom was napping and was looking up ways to help her feel better and get looked at.

Even at that age I knew, I knew that mom was to sick to work. To worn out from raising me on her own. I knew that she needed to see a doctor.

After a while of looking, I clicked on something and ended up coming across scary sites. I scrolled past them and found a site that helps someone learn how to hack.

I clicked on it...


Then when I was 8 years old, I had become a full hacker...

I did it. I find mom to be resting again. She keeps getting sick and I want to help her. I go back to the dark web, as I found out it was called, and posted my name on there. I choose this because I'm stupid and Kacchan always call me Deku. So I went with S.D.

New Hacker S.D.
Willing to give almost any information for a price

That should do it for now. I should create a bank account now for my payments.


Ah, I got a message. Let's see...

Vampire: oi newbie.

S.D.: what? You want me to find something?

Vampire: yeah. I need the current location of a dude named 'Vonun'

S.D.: what are you willing to pay?

Vampire: 100,000 yen for the location and I'll add on another 75,000 yen for his condition

S.D.: ok. Give me 24 hours and his apperence

Vampire: he looks like a human dragon. make it quick newbie

Alrighty. My first job. Now then, time to start.

I first go through all the cameras in the country and I find what looks to be him. He is in an abandoned warehouse by a forest. It looks like he is hurt but I can't be sure.

S.D.: found him. Took less time than I thought. He is by the Hoshi Woods in an abandoned warehouse. He is hurt but I can't see any blood from this angle.

Vampire: perfect. Time for paying ya your 175,000.

S.D.: send it to this account (98798437)

Vampire: done. I'll be coming back if I need information again from ya.

Yes. I got enough for mom to get looked at. But I might need more if it's bad. I'll get a few more jobs and then get mom looked at.


I managed to get mom looked at. According to the doctor she has a weak immune system and the medication for it would be more than we can afford. I looked at mom and discreetly deposits enough into mom's account. She hears the ding from her phone.

Apologizing, she pulls it out and starts crying. She tells the doctor that she can afford it and to go ahead and give her the prescription.

Time goes by and now I am in middle school. I had been training with all the free time I had between being my 'normal kind self to my S.D. persona.

My body has gotten used to me not sleeping for long periods of time, although I'll sleep for, at the most, 5 days straight, if I stay up for 3 weeks.

I have also been developing my own support items. A few of them are a mask that looks like a shattered, bloodied, skull that has a voice changer in it, another is a bracelet that can make the wearer completely undetectable by others. However if it's to be used it will need a full 24 hours to recharge. Another one is a pill. It actually is made to reattach a limb that has been cut off or ripped off after it has been disinfected. However, it needs to be done within the first hour for no damage and within 2 hours for slight numbness. If one limb is reconnected about 6 to 10 times at least then a scar will start to form where it was cut. The next one is another pill, however I is made more for restricting another's quirk so to speak. It changes the quirk from whatever it may be to dog or cat ears and tail. And it lasts for a week.

I'm getting ready to leave the classroom when I'm stopped by Kacchan. "Hey Deku. You think you can just try and take the test for UA's hero course haaah?"

"K-kacchan! I wo-wont k-know till I t-try. Right?" I stutter back to him, backing away.

"Useless Deku! You're just a quirkless wannabe! If you wanna be a hero so bad, take a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in your next life!" Kacchan, no, Katsuki, says to me as he and his friends walk out the door. I stand there looking down.

"Heh. Maybe Izuku should 'die' right? Yeah, I'll plan it over the next 4 weeks and when I go to do it, I'll finally be able to stop being so split about this. I was thinking about it anyways. If I didn't make it in the hero course that is. Time to go home I guess. Its already getting late." I walk out, retrieve my notebook from the water, and head home. The people around me talking about how All Might is in town. If I didn't make my choice now, I would have tried to find him.

I manage to get home with no trouble however, mom had the news on and apperently Kac- no. Katsuki, was taken hostage before All Might appeared and saved him.

Guess I'll start planning.

Quick note yall.
I know I know, I have so many stories so why am I starting another one? Because I've never seen a hacker izuku fic. The italics were the Izuku from chapter one. This was just a starting point and to try to help clear things up a bit before diving in.

Hope yall enjoyed it. See ya in chapter 1!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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