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I'm trying to make this as original as possible and I've only read like 2 works about head canons for Skid so I'm gonna sprinkle in my own! :0 

/ i swear a lot here so im sorry but also . not really BWAH. 

- his real name is Beverly but he doesn't like using it that much because it reminds him of the time his mum (Lila) yelled at him for breaking a vase he didn't break (does anyone get the reference.,,, https://youtu.be/38eRid-Kcc go to 4:06 for the reference)

- His dad loved halloween. 

- He uses 'mum' instead of 'mom' lmao what a bri ish fucka (JK.)

- He has low pain tolerance (my evidence 4 this was when Roy bonked him in the head on spooky month the stars and he was still rubbing his head even though Pump was completely fine after that hit...or maybe Pump has high pain tolerance. that'd be super sad)

- He promised himself he'll never change his haircut (dora the explorer haircut lookin' ass) (okay whats up with me and bullying Skid is my inner Roy finally coming out)

- he is quite observant and stubborn which is prolly already obvious based on the spooky month shorts but i just . wanted to add that

- Unlike Pump, he can tell when people are annoyed at him but he just doesn't care

-(this part i decided to remove because im worried people might twist my words >.> ignore this pls)

- His favorite movie is "nightmare before Christmas" and that is where he based his recent costume on!!

- Lila always scolds Skid whenever he goes downstairs because of how loud his footsteps are and how it can disturb the neighbors (does anyone relate lmao)

- When his father left he started giving a lot of people the benefit of the doubt (IDK what the correlation of his father leaving has to do with this I just think it's connected somehow)

- On kindergarten not a lot of his classmates liked Skid because he didn't have funny reactions when the other children teased him and it would just get awkward

- (Totally not me) He is actually a friendly but reserved kid who doesn't  go out of his way to invite people to his house or play with other kids, but! once you get close to him he invites you to his backyard like . every hour . Lila was super proud of him when he made his first best friend Pump

-  unsupervised internet access at a young age check (seriously why does he have his own computer and cellphone on his own bedroom at 8 yrs old especially on 2013 like. Lila. Where are you. This is gonna ruin his perspective on life, speaking from experience. UNLESS SHE TURNS OFF THE WIFI EVERY 10 PM then I guess that's okay)

- Roy is jealous of him coz he's living the luxurious life for an 8 year old (extended bed time everyday, freedom to go outside and visit every place ever, understanding and kind mom, nice house, nice room, a best friend that's basically his other half, etc.)

- yeah he's super privileged, however his childhood is FAR from normal lmao. I imagine him as a teen he looks back at his younger days and he's like: What the fuck

- since he already has his own phone he watches those neon colored dumb as fuck unboxing easter egg elsa 100 slime collection overrated shops gummy worms DIY how to: halloween edition videos that every toddler watches on a daily basis

- BUT GUYS LILA DOESN'T LIKE. ABANDON AND LOCK HIM IN HIS ROOM, skid watches these vids when he cant hang out with pump which is rare

- he wants to be tall even though he's still a kid

- his favorite people: Pump, Lila, Lemon monster, Daddy Dearest and Girlfriend.

- His neutral favorite person is boyfriend, on one hand he likes how he is the only one who hasn't turned down their rap battle and even sounds good doing it, but on another he made Lemon monster upset which gives Skid mixed feelings

- He thinks Pico is weird omegalul!!!


these prolly arent original idk these came out of my wicked brian do not come after me 

i'm sleepy af i'll be doing more, also the roy/ross fanfic is definitely on a short break thingy i have so many things to write and also i really want to make it good nd memorable soo :] and also i think i discovered that im more good at one shots rather than long series coz those really take alot of my motivation and suck my energy dry T_T  . plus that was my first ever fanfic on the internet that ive finished guys gimme a break my motivation works in meesteerious wayss...... OKAYBYESEEYA!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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