First Train Ride

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Lily POV

I was so nervous, I mean how can I not be. It was my first day at Hogwarts. I turned around to see Petunia being told off by mum. I had no clue why and I did not care. I was walking  backwards and then I bumped into someone. We both fell onto the floor and I fell down hardly. The someone was a boy. He had dark raven hair and wore round glasses. 

"Watch it!" he yelled. I was about to apologise but then after hearing his tone, I said something back.

"It is not my fault that you did not see someone coming your way because you were too busy patting down your hair!!" I yelled back. I mean, he had no right to yell at me when it was not even my fault. 

I stood up and then started to walk away but then the boy tripped me. What kind of a boy trips a GIRL!!!???? The boy started laughing and from the corner of my eye, I saw another dark haired boy laughing his ass off. He got up but then I pulled him down by the arm. Then do you know who was laughing, ME!. I rapidly got up and then ran into the wall to go onto platform Nine and Three Quarters. 

My dad helped me lift up my trunk and put it onto the train. I hugged my parents goodbye, got on the train and then looked for Sev. I found him sitting with a bunch of boys that had the same tattoo. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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