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This method consists of the heartbeat method, pillow method and alice in wonderland method.
Good luck!

1. Lay down im a comfotable position

2. Like the pillow method, keep a handwritten script under your pillow

3. Get a youtube video that has the heartbeat sound. Roughly 20mins. While its playing, inagine you are sleeping on someones chest from your dr.

4. Once the video is over, imagine that person taking you to a room that is all white. As soon as you stop walking, you fall

5. Say affirmations as you are falling and once you feel like you are really falling, stay like that for a few seconds then hit the ground.

6. There is a door in fromt of you. Open it and walk down a hallway. The hallway can be anything you want.

7. Count to 100 slowly and once you reach 100, you meet the end of the hall.

8. The end of the hall has a door. Open it and theres a bed eith your S/O. Either sleep with them or wake them up. If you choose to wake them up, it is morning. Open your eyes and you've arrived. If you choose to sleep with them, you wake up in the morning in your dr.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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