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We are all bundles of energy inserted into bottles we call our "body". Anything we create in our minds becomes our reality because we have hit that vibration by thinking about it. For example, if you wanted £100 and you pictured yourself with that £100, really feeling as if you have it and how happy you are with it, going into details about what you will spend it on, or even invest it on, you have created a new vibration, then, as the law of vibration states "matching the frequency of the reality you want, and you will get it", you will therefore get your £100! But only if you BELIEVE you have it. There is no point in life living in the future or the past. Don't waste your time reminiscing on the past, a concept that is just purely half-forgotten memories. Equally, stop looking forward to the future too much and enjoy the moment. When I was younger, I would have such high expectations about everything and I'd spend hours telling myself to have a good day later on and I would relentlessly spend time searching for things to do, but in the end, I wouldn't do anything because I just wasted my time searching pointlessly. This was an example of ungratefulness. Its in our human nature to always want more than we already have. Everyone has been ungrateful in their lives, but we should control it and think about what we are grateful for and what we do already have. 

Going back to the concept of vibrations, let me give you a bit more of an insight into it. Everything in our world, whether visible or unseen, when broken down and studied in its purest and most fundamental form,  is formed up of pure energy or light that resonates and persists as a vibratory frequency. Every particle, thought, and emotion has its own vibrational frequency. Our chosen views, emotions, and behaviours all have their own unique vibrational frequencies. These vibrations can create resonance with something that has the same frequency. To put it more simply, our thoughts are strongly intertwined with everything else in the world. "Like attracts like." As you choose positive thoughts, you will draw more positive thoughts of a similar nature, and you will be in vibrational harmony with those who have similar thoughts. Or similarly, 

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