Why Him?

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Today was February 14, or Valentine's Day, and I was elated.  I had bought Levi, my best friend and crush, a box of imported chocolate that I was sure he'd love.

I went over to the campus gardens where the two of us usually hung out together in.  Navigating through the mini maze of the garden I spotted Levi.  Only he wasn't alone and he was kissing another man. 

I cried out in shock, causing the two to break apart and the man Levi was kissing snapped his head around to face me.  He had dark hair and green eyes, and looked pretty young.

"Hi Erwin," Levi said, smiling at me.  "This is Eren, my boyfriend."

At his words, my world came crashing down on me.  Why?  Why him and not me?

"Uhm, it's nice to meet you Erwin," Eren said, putting his hand out for a handshake he never got.

"Why?" I asked Levi.  "What about Farlan?"

At that, Levi's smile slowly began to fade.

Farlan Church was Levi's ex.  I knew that they had met at a very young age and had been the best of friends before they started dating, but anything else is completely unknown.  I had met the two when I was a junior during a chemistry class with the two and we instantly hit off.  Gradually, we began to hang out more and I slowly started to fall for Levi.  I gave up my feelings when Farlan had confessed and the two started going out 3 months after we met.  They were going strong until Farlan and our other friend, Isabel Magnolia, went missing during our sophomore year.  The police had found Isabel's severed head and Farlan's upper body in a sack floating in the river a week later.  Levi had cried for days and it was during this time that he vowed to never date anyone else again because he couldn't deal with the heartbreak.  I had been the one to pick up the pieces that had once been Levi and give him back his life after he started getting into fights and doing drugs, so why?  Why not me?

"I have to move on," Levi said quietly.  "He would have loved to see me happy and he would have never wanted to be the reason I was holding back." 

"Do you really love him?" I asked.

"Yeah," he responded quietly.

I turned to Eren.

"You better take good fucking care of him.  I don't ever want to see him cry because of you.  Got that?" I said to him.

"Yes sir," Eren responded.

Turing back to Levi, I opened my bag and took out the box of chocolate.  "Here," I said handing the box to him.  "Happy Valentine's Day."

I left the two alone, willing the tears not to stream down my face.  I love Levi and I always will.  But if Levi is happy with Eren, then who am I to take that away.

"I love you," I whispered to low for anyone to hear as I exited the gardens.

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