A Strange Night

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Eijirou Kirishima Pov:
I stared at my blank ceiling with tears rolling down my face but just then I remembered that last week I had help from cementos soundproofing my dorm so I sit up and scream the words to a song " can you feel my..HEART!?" (I had to put atleast ONE song reference in here XD)He screamed pretty loud but there was one thing he forgot, he left the wall to Bakugou's dorm untouched in case of emergency.

Katsuki Bakugou Pov:

I had been drawing for 20 mins until I hear a loud tell from Kiri- uh Shitty hairs dorm I stand up and rush over to his dorm and pound on the door " SHITTY HAIR ARE YOU OK?!"

Eijirou Kirishima Pov:

I scrambled up and turned of my music whipping my face "Yeah I'm good just uh- stepped on a sharp thing?-"
" You stepped on a sharp thing and yelled heart? You think I'd beilive that? Open up" Bakugou said back.
" Ok fine just- Give me a minute" i started cleaning up my room. I hid my razor blades and vapes, I whipped down my table and anywhere there was blood.
Once I was done I opened the door.
" Smells good in here what'd you spray?" Bakugou asked walking in.
"Uh- Febrezze"
Bakugou wasn't buying it " No Febrezze smells like this"
I panicked trying to think
" I- uh- perfume!- er it's perfume, it smelled manly"
" Really perfume, what're you a girl?"
That sentence was not what he wanted to hear, especially from Bakugou, then there, he started hyperventilating, he was trying to rip his shirt off.

Katsuki Bakugou pov:

Shitty hair started breathing heavily and trying to rip his shirt, I didn't know what to do but then all I hear is a faint whisper from Kirishima saying " inhaler..T-top drawer.."
I opened the drawer quickly and there were 3 inhalers
" Wich one!"
"B-blue.." I could barley make out what he said.
But I grabbed the blue one and held it to his
Mouth and pressed for 6 seconds till he tapped my hand and I pulled it away from his mouth.
" THE HELL WAS THAT?!" he said while Kirishima sat up
"Panic attack"
"Oh..i-im sorry"
"N-no it's ok I promise" he responded imeadiatly.

Eijirou Kirishima Pov:

I was exhausted, my eyes began closing and then black.


I woke up and tried sitting up, Bakugou was cuddling me, he had his head burried in my
Chest, his arms around my torso.
He looked so peaceful, so I simply went back to sleep.

Last night
Katsuki Bakugou pov:

He fell dead asleep right then and there. " What the-" I chuckled a bit I grab his blanket and put it over us, 'he won't mind if I just-' I wrapped around him and put my head on his chest.
He was warm, he gave me a feeling I've never felt before..a safe one, one that makes me never wanna leave where I am.
I know I can be myself around him, and I won't be judged or be considered weak.

-519 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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