Le single part

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"Watch it!" I cry as someone barrels into me, clearly not paying attention to where they're going. They don't appear to hear me and keep on hurrying to wherever they're going. I clutch my package close to me to keep it from getting knocked out of my hands. Oh, how helpful it would be to have my sister's power of teleportation, or my brother's power of flying. I could get home so much quicker, but alas I do not have teleportation or flying.

I glance inside the bag to make sure that the gift hasn't been damaged and my heart drops into my stomach when I see what is inside. Where there was a beautiful vase with my and my sibling's names carved into it, there now sits a bunch of shattered glass pieces. I saved for months to get this custom vase and now it sits, shattered in pieces. Maybe Alia can fix this, I hope Alia can fix this.

I rush to the home of my first and best friend, Alia Black, in hopes that she can fix a broken vase. I know that she can heal broken bones, or cuts and gashes in the skin, but I have no idea how far her powers can extend to. Before I even knock, the door is opened by a tall-and admittedly gorgeous- woman. Alia's mother. She's got the power of being able to see through objects. She must have heard me approaching and looked to see who it was.

"Corinne! What can we help you with?" She asks kindly, a warm smile on her face. I smile back politely.

"Is Alia home? I was hoping to see if she'd be able to fix this vase I broke." I allow the hope to fill my eyes as she nods and calls for her daughter. Alia comes downstairs a few minutes later, a grin filling her face as she approaches me.

"What's up Cor? I thought you had your mom's birthday today," She greats. I nod and show her the vase. She appears to understand my problem as she nods. But the hope falls from my body as she shakes her head sadly. "I'm sorry Cor, I can't fix material items. Only humans."

I sigh but nod, already expecting the berating I will get from my older brother the minute I get home. "It's alright, I will find something to replace it." With that, I head out and to my own home down the street.

The minute I walk in, Anson is practically on top of me, bombarding me with questions. His power, the ability to sense emotions. He could tell I'm upset and apprehensive, which results in the bombardment of questions. A few of them happen to include "Where have you been? What happened? Is anybody hurt? Did you get the gift?"

"Woah woah woah, slow down Anson." I hold my hands up, sighing. "I was heading home from picking up the gift and somebody ran into me. They shattered the vase and Alia couldn't fix it..." I explain hesitantly.

The look on his face is enough to kill anybody on the spot. "You had one job, Corinne! That was to get your gift home safely! But you can't even do that!" He growls, glaring, daggers at me. I instinctively back away even though I know that it's not him I need to fear, it's Ryan.

Speaking of the devil, he walks in and at once notices the tension between Anson and me. He whispers something I can't hear to Anson, who whispers back a response. As they continued their whispered conversation, I grew more and more aggravated at their secrecy.

"What are you two talking about? I'm standing right here!" I eventually burst. They turned to me and I knew by the look on their faces what they were thinking. I've gotten that look from a lot of people, usually when they find out my story. Before my brothers could start yelling at me, I made a break for it. I ducked under Ryan's arm and sprinted for the front door.

I didn't get very far before I'm pulled back by the collar of my shirt. From the heat of the grip, I know instantly that it's Ryan. And I know that it's useless to fight, but I still try anyways. As predicted, Ryan simply throws me onto the couch.

"So, what are you going to give to mom now?" He belittles. I shrug, looking at my lap. The warm presence of my brother grows closer, and I muster out a simple 'I don't know' for my response.

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