01- Stuck in a Rut

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                                    "One person can't feel all that at once, they'd explode."

                                                                      (Order of the Pheonix)


   'words in these are thoughts' "words in these are dialogue" (words in these are add-ons)

                                                                               Part 01

    "Well, what are you waiting for?" 'I honestly didn't know. I mean what am I even doing at this damn school anyways. I just failed a test, I got a B-! Not to mention I studied all night, I don't know, maybe I don't belong here anyway. You know what? No more contradicting myself. I'm probably the smartest student here.' "Hermione!" He stops walking realizing I was slowly treading behind him. Waiting for me to catch up, I begrudgingly walk to Ron being as patient as possible with him because it's lunchtime, which means he hasn't eaten since breakfast. That seems to be a recurring problem in his life as he quite obviously feels the need to consume 2,00 calories per meal.

    "God Ron, someday that metabolism of yours will catch up to you." 

    "Let's enjoy it while it lasts then huh?" 

    "Okay- Ron you're gonna hit the-!" *SMACK*

    Ron hit the wall face-first, slowly moving back as a trail of blood trickles down his left nostril. He wipes it with his robe sleeve. "Ow..." "Oh my Ron, that really was pathetic- Ew- stop wiping it with your sleeve!"  I hit his hand away from his face as I let out a small chuckle. "Let's go."

    My thoughts seem to be lost, caught in the grasps of my red-haired boyfriend. God, he may be stupid but he sure does know how to make a girl laugh.

    "Hey look it's the mudblood and the Weasly?" Draco. with Crab and Goyle trotting behind him like lost puppies. "Shut up Draco you're just jealous." I roll my eyes. "Yeah? Of what?" He asks sarcastically. "That you can't wake up, look in the mirror, and see anything you're proud of." Draco scoffs at this remark. Fulling delving into his narcissism I see?

    He walks away boasting about some dumb test he 'passed'. Only in quotes because to him passing is a C+ or higher. Though that's technically passing, it's with black and white and not flying colours. Well, there are colours, yeah, the colours the professor used to mark his test duly incorrect. Although he probably wasn't happy about it, and maybe even told his father about it. I snicker at that. "What?' I break out of my trance, "Nothing Ron."

    Within about 2 minutes, we seat ourselves at the Gryfindor table with the rest of the Weasleys and Harry.

    "Hermione?"  "Yes, Fred?"  "Not to be rude but, how come you're not in Ravenclaw. You've got the intelligence for it." "I honestly don't know, though I suspect it's due to my courageous side, though even then, my bravery is incredibly outnumbered by my knowledge. So I don't know Fred, good question." He lets a light nod before trying to drown himself in the nacho cheese fountain. I didn't know we had one of those but hey, we learn something new every day, right?

    I turn to Ron and notice that he's already scarfed down a whole plate of food, piling up his second plate. Harry started talking to Ginny trying to seduce her with his puppy dog eyes. Fred was dazing off, probably checking out some girl at the Hufflepuff table, and I finally decide to get some food; leaving my decision to a cold meat sandwich or a ham and cheese toasty. 

    I enter the room labeled 'Potions' with my books so tight to my chest that they're practically glued there. Snape stared at me in disgust as I took a seat in the back next to Ron. He starts his lesson, glaring at Draco like he's a love interest and only feels the need to teach him; and I almost silently plead for the bell to ring 3 minutes into class.

    I may seem like the 'love school' type most of the time, but even I have my moments, and right now I want to sleep.

    After the awaited bell finally rang at my last class I pick myself up and tred slowly to the Gryffindor corridors Ron and Harry waiting for me, while ranting on about Quidditch. 

    "Not to be rude Hermione but you look like shit." "Thanks, Ron. I really do appreciate that." "You know he didn't mean it like that, but what's wrong?" Harry asks, in genuine confusion. I take out my test and slam it on the table before turning around in disgust for the grade on top. They both chuckle, "A B+?!" They say at the same time, "I got a D," Ron said. "I got a C-" Harry stated. "Well, I studied all night," I say matter-of-factly while turning around to shove the paper in my bag. 

    I walk up to my dorm only to drop my bag on the floor, dive onto the bed, and fall into a deep sleep. 

                                                              {After she wakes up: 4:45 p.m}

    I've really been out of it lately. Like really... I haven't been sleeping due to crunched study time, which explains my test grades, and my test grades explain my self-doubt, I'm trying to get out of this rut but it seems I keep falling back in. I don't know exactly why, but my classes were moved, my study-hall was revoked. Now I don't have enough study time so I have to study until night, causing me to lose valuable rest.

    You know, honestly, I'm tired of this. I'm going down to the office to get my classes changed again because its not just no study time but its also no Ron-time which is equally as bad; well that depends actually, sometimes he acts like he's on some man-period and that's when you run.

    That's when I notice it's almost dinner, so I walk down to Dumbledore's office only to realize there's someone else in there, now normally I'm not one for eavesdropping but- oh who am I kidding, yeah I am.

                      I broke out of my thoughts when I heard conversation that arose...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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