Potion Confusion

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Out in the deep south beyond all civilization, a small grass plain lies behind a willow tree weeping over the calm river. The sun is always bright and shining, radiating heat warm enough to calm anyone's cold hearts. Tiny homes and workstations no bigger than a foot tall make their way around a tiny road and plaza, no doubt built by tiny hands. Winged figures no larger than 6 inches flutter around completing assigned jobs and occupations in order to maintain the civilization's steady existence. As the morning goes on, potion makers toy with ingredients, tinkerers fix and build various tools, animal tamers handle the tiny ranches, and individuals man their tiny shops and such for anything else that might be needed in this small world.

One particular ranchhand works alone all day. The fairy feeds and cares for every single beetle and dragonfly that might be resting in the stables. "Here boy, let's get that saddle off you." The small man gently lifts a vegan-fairy-leather saddle off of a very tired dragonfly. "You had quite the day, huh? You did some mighty fine work out there flying all them crates up the tower." He pats the fly on the head, it lovingly rubs against his hand, happy to be cared for by the fairy. The insect is rewarded with a small grain of sugar before its owner moves on to complete other jobs. This fairy in particular is a bit unique compared to all the rest. Most fairies prefer colorful and mystical stylings with garments fashioned from flower petals or leaves dyed with berries. Their attitudes innocent and cheerful, always speaking clearly with glee. But Levi here, most would believe he came right out of a western town after a long shift of being a hardworking sheriff. He had long dark brown hair that stopped right at his shoulders. He often combed it neatly but it was always hidden under a wide-brimmed black cattleman hat. His goto outfit was always a striped maroon button-up shirt with the sleeves folded up to his elbows. It was tucked into a pair of jeans held up by dark-colored suspenders. He wore a small black scarf around his neck which matched his hat. While the brown belt and various holsters around his waist matched his boots. His look would not be complete without an undoubtedly flashy star belt buckle and the dark brown mustache over his lip which he maintained every day.

Everyone loved Levi, and that's not an exaggeration. Even though his looks were only average and his style was odd for a fairy, no one could resist that polite southern charm paired with a slightly crooked but blindingly white smile. It was almost as if a love spell followed him wherever he goes. One moment with the man would render just about anyone helpless to his charm. Lucky for everyone, Levi wasn't at all the type to exploit that kind of power.

As he was walking towards the front of the stables, another fairy had quickly made her way towards him, seemingly in a panic. "Levi? Levi! I need your help." A female fairy with bright red hair and pale skin had flown in. She was wearing a blue flower petal dress with a white lab coat stained with various potions hanging off one shoulder as it had fallen off during her frantic flight. On her head were a pair of goggles with water droplets for lenses, crucial for the nature of her work.

"Miss Holly! Good to see ya this fine mornin'" Levi spoke with a deep southern drawl, a few of the other fairies did as well, having picked it up from the area.

He smiled at her and her heart was immediately warmed, she calmed down and stood beside him, speaking clearly, "Good to see you too... um... You spend a lot of time by the bayou, don't you? You know your way around there right?"

"Yes ma'am, I sure do Miss Holly. I look after them crawfish in the water every day." He gave her a nod.

"That's wonderful! Absolutely wonderful..." Holly looked off to the side as if she had completely zoned out and was daydreaming on some other planet.

Levi stood confused for a moment, waiting for her to explain herself, "....so what is it that you need?"

"Oh! Goodness, sorry. That's right, um... Marina has the fairy flu! So awful, isn't it?"  Holly clasped her hands together in a panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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