The girl in the rain

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It was night.
Rains are heftily ponderous pouring immensely colossal amplitudes of droplets everywhere, vigorous winds are blowing the trees and roofs. Waters flooding the whole area.
It was a good night for one family. They cuddled together inside their comfy house relishing the inclement weather in their glass wall.
However, contrary to their simple ecstasy is one of the many street children, suffering in that inclement weather.
She coats herself with a rug to facilitate the cold a little and her rumbling stomach is not availing. Her thin pale skin got wet by raindrops falling from everywhere. She looks so helpless but her devastating state didn’t efface the evil smile from her lips.
She was free. Conclusively free.
She felt the feeling of a bird who got out from being caged her entire life.
This is liberation.
Who would have mentally conceived she would taste it? Who would have mentally conceived it would taste this saccharine?
It was as saccharine as sugar.
She pulled the rug more proximate to herself endeavoring to cover herself from the falling droplets.
She was selfish.
She’ll do everything for her liberation.
Even if it signifies killing her own family.
A flash of lightning strikes the horizon engendering light for the whole area for a second, then followed by thunder.
Dihydrogen monoxide gradually elevates to fill the streets and jumping out of the canals.
Out of the blue, all the lights came off. It was a total blackout.
She was struggling for heat, she was rubbing both of her palms endeavoring to gain heat when she aurally perceived someone fired a gunshot. She looked around. Everything was ebony, and the vigorous winds that are blowing so hard are blocking everything away from her vision.
‘ I didn’t mishear it, did I?’ she cerebrated
If she did then it was very proximate, close enough for her to auricularly discern it in the weeping storm.
She pulled her favorite knife, it was an heirloom from her mother's. It was identically tantamount knife that killed her adopted family.
She pulled the rag and obnubilated more, it was to obnubilate from the rain and more from the unknown beings that were approaching near her.
She can’t optically discern them, affirmative. But she could feel their presence. She couldn’t point out their exact number but base on their footsteps she could tell they weren’t less than 10.
Footsteps were not cumbersomely hefty and made virtually no sound but she could feel their heftily ponderous presence. She could tell they were no mundane men, Affirmative, she could tell, because she additionally, isn't a mundane brat.
Winds, rain, and thunderstorms perpetuated to go wild and so her heart. They were so close, and her windpipes are withal closing in, unable to function customarily. She held her knife tight, if it comes to it, she will not hesitate to kill.
The footsteps stop at their tract and all their faces visually examined her when a flash of lightning strikes down from the heavens giving light to the whole circumventions. It was as if fate is playing tricks on her.
Cold ocular perceivers were all optically canvassing her. She didn't back down tho, she stood up amidst the inclemency and stood tall holding a knife in her hands
“Well, what do we have here” a man, probably the bellwethers of the men in ebony verbally expressed and pointed two fingers upward signaling two of his men to get the girl who optically discerned them
“ Yes boss” two men responded and closed their umbrellas
One of the men proceeded to get the brat first.
The first man's hand was in his pocket when he approaches the girl. Rain poured out and wet his whole suit failing his endeavor to act cool while his ascendant figure was visually examining.
Exasperated he closes their gap in 3 feet and a swift moment he endeavored to prehend the girl's neck.
He was more exasperated when he visually perceived her duck and slide her feet to his leg sanctioning him to lose his balance and fall to the wet ground in a consummate mess.
“ NOW YOU’VE DONE IT BRAT” he shouted as he lost his chance to act cool in front of his ascendant figure
He expeditiously stood up and punch the girl's face but she dodges her head down and sends him a punch in the stomach.
The punch was so hard that it made some saliva flew out of his mouth and blurred his vision making him fall to the ground half-conscious.
That's it!
The second guy hurried to the brat. But unlike the first one, he prehends his hand knife and endeavored to stab the girl.
Having a thin body, she utilizes it as an advantage and dodge to the right and prehend his arm. He struggled with his arm and endeavored to kick the girl's stomach but she was expeditious enough to catch his leg.
He wasn’t fortuitous, isn't he? Now both his arms and legs were under the girl's hands. She utilized her leg, folding it and hoisting it up and then down at the man's leg-breaking his ligaments making him unable to ambulate.
He too disoriented his balance and fall to the wet ground.
Haplessly, the girl wasn't satiated. Not yet.
She didn't relinquish his arm, instead, she convoluted it rearward and utilized her elbow to break the bones in his hand.
The man shouted in pain. His screams together with the falling rain filled the vacuous streets, echoing to the whole place.
Alas, the brat conclusively let his hand go. He falls insensate to the ground. She then stood up. Her thin fingers holding the knife tight and her short hair dripping wet in her face.
The authoritative figure was shocked. He never, in his whole life encountered a brat who can fight like this in the streets. Not to mention she manage to break his men twice her age in such weather.
His smirk vanished from his face. They were still hunting an enemy from another organization and this brat was in their way. He doesn't have time to spare, if he spends more time here, that would denote more time for his enemy to elude. And he simply couldn't sanction it. Not when he determinately injured his enemy with a gunshot, he probably was obnubilating not far away from there.
Conclusively, he raised his hand to obviate his men from assaulting the brat for breaking their companion's bones.
“ We don’t have time to waste here, kill her” he injuctively authorized and pull his gun from his holster
“Use your gun, make it two shots, we still have to catch someone” he integrated
One man pulled out his gun and cracked it, he then aims at the poor girl and shot her twice.
There was no sound this time.
The man was utilizing a silencer after all.
The bullets rushed out of the gun yare to perforate the poor girl's body but she slumped her body down to the wet ground evading the bullets. She stood up expeditious and jumped at the man's neck slicing it with her knife.
Blood splashed out everywhere as she jumped from one to another slashing everything she could slash. Other men including the bellwether grab their guns and shot her multiple times but she just utilizes the body of the man she just killed as a shield, taking all the bullets in his dead body.
It was when only three people left and she has a 6-meter distance to close afore she could reach the last men and their ascendant figure.
She could facilely slice their neck if they were proximate but lamentably, they weren't. And much to her fortuity, they were aiming their gun in her, yare to shoot if she made a move.
She let the dead shield down and focused her attention on the three men. She calculated her state, distance, haste of the bullets, her flexibility, and most of all how she can utilize the rain to her advantage.
A noetic conception entered her mind and she let out a smirk.
She focused her ocular perceivers on the guns, cleared her phrenic conceptions, and relaxed her thin body. The rain was in the way but she can utilize her senses to make a path to the three men.
A group of bullets rain to where she was, and she was so indulging in sensing them, she was even closing her ocular perceivers
“ 3 in the left, 2 down, 2 in the right” she counted, she was quite thankful for the rain as it truncated the celerity of the bullets in milliseconds sanctioning her to sense the exact direction of every bullet.
She even can sense the droplets of the rain dropping in the speeding bullets.
She kenned in her state she can never dodge it. But she can invert its trajectory.
As the bullets ran to reach her body, she expeditiously situated her knife physically contacting the edges of the bullets transmuting its course of direction letting it hit in sundry places abaft her.
The gunning perpetuated until the men lost all their bullets. The rain was additionally starting to run dry.
She smirked. It was so algid but her inside was in fire. A fire that rekindled, again and again, every time she killed someone.
“AHHHH! Monster!” They shouted scared
The men endeavored to run as they lost all hope of living, praying an arbitrary man would preserve them from the monster brat but afore they could scream, their throat was slit one after another.
It was a gore scene. All was bathing in their blood and only a brat was standing holding a knife in her hands.
Another ebony cloud engulfs the whole city and heftily ponderous rain poured again in the streets cleaning the blood from the girl’s ragged dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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