Episode 1 - Akira-Chan, You're Gonna Become An Idol!

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Akira Haruna groans as her BFF, Airi Takahashi gives her puppy-dog eyes.

"Airi, I already told you, I don't wanna be an idol," Akira says.

"But Akira-chan, don't you wanna try it out?!" Airi asks. "It'll be a lot of fun!"

Akira shakes her head. "No, thanks. I'm already in the art club. That's good enough for me."

"Aww, but Akira-Chan The Quiet Artist sounds boring!" Airi pouts. "Akira-Chan The Cute and Pretty Idol sounds way better!"

"Airi, I just don't think I'd even be that good," Akira says. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm good on being an idol. Anyways, I've gotta go meet up with Suki. See you later." She walks off.

Airi sighs. "What am I gonna do?"

(Opening: Shop It Up)

Episode 1 - Akira-Chan, You're Gonna Become An Idol!

Akira is walking through her school hallways, looking around. "Where is she?" she whispers.

Suddenly, Akira's eyes are covered by a pair of hands. "Akira-chan!"

Akira smiles. "Hey, Suki."

Akira's other BFF, Suki Minato, removes her hands and smiles. "Did you hear the news about that idol, Gemma Stone?"

"Hm? What about her?" Akira asks.

"She's coming out with a new song!" Suki says happily. "Isn't that amazing?"

"Sort of," Akira says. "But I'm not really into idols or things like that. Sorry, Suki."

"Oh." Suki looks disappointed. "Well, anyways, I gotta go help at my moms bakery. See you later, Akira-chan." She walks off.

"Did I upset her?" Akira wonders. "I feel bad, but I just don't get the hype about idols. What's the big deal?"

Akira leaves the school and starts walking down the street.

"I'm going out with Suki this weekend, so I'm gonna shop for a new purse!" Akira announces happily. Shopping is one of her hobbies, and she enjoys doing so.

Suddenly, a slip of paper lands at Akira's feet. "Huh?" She picks it up. "What's this? A free cake coupon at Lavender's Buffet?" She blinks. "Hey, free cake doesn't sound too bad." She smiles and rushes off.

(Eyecatch: Airi Takahashi/Rainbow Kate)

Akira walks into Lavender's Buffet, but then nearly falls over in surprise when someone gets in front of her face.

"Hey, Akira-chan!" Airi says. "Glad you could make it!"

"A-Airi?" Akira looks confused. "What's going on? Why are you here?"

Airi strikes a pose. "Duh. I lured you here with a free cake coupon so you could watch my performance!"

"Your performa..." Akira groans. "Airi, I told you that I didn't wanna be an idol!"

Airi pats Akira's head, much to the latter's annoyance. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, Akira-chan! This is my performance, so you needn't lift a finger! Well, better go get ready! Check you later!" She zooms off.

"Oh, boy..." Akira sighs. "And what even is 'Check you later'?" This was gonna be a long day.

Backstage, Airi holds out a light purple phone. "I've gotta make Akira-chan like idols, so I'll put on an amazing show for her! Let's put on a shopping and popping live!"

Airi taps some things on her phone. "Rainbow Kate, go!" She changes into a different version of herself.

"A happy and colorful coord that makes everyday feel like a party! The Fluffy Confetti Fairy Coord! Live, start!"

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"A happy and colorful coord that makes everyday feel like a party! The Fluffy Confetti Fairy Coord! Live, start!"

Rainbow Kate gets on stage. "Hello, everyone! It's me, Rainbow Kate!" She makes a heart with her hands, and everyone cheers loudly.

Akira is shocked. "That's Airi? She looks completely different..."

"It's time for my performance!" Rainbow announces. "Party on!"

Rainbow begins to sing This Is How We Party. Her voice is clear and beautiful, and the performance itself is lively and energetic. Once she finishes, the crowd claps and cheers wildly again.

"Wow..." Akira is amazed. "That performance was spectacular..."

Airi gets off the stage, now as herself again. She walks over to Akira. "What'd you think?"

Akira smiles. "You were sparkling up there, Airi-chan."

"Really?! You think so?!" Airi grins. "And you added -chan to my name!"

"Don't get used to it," Akira says, playfully winking. "But, anyway, that performance looked pretty fun. And since you've been bugging me so much... then maybe I'll try becoming an idol."

Airi's eyes light up. "You really mean it, Akira-chan?!"

Akira nods. "However, if I fail a performance, then I'm gonna stop being an idol, and you can't bug me about it anymore, okay?"

Airi nods and hugs Akira. "This is gonna be amazing! We'll be idols together, and we'll rise to the top!" Akira smiles.

(Ending: This Is How We Party)

Airi: Akira-chan, if you're gonna make your debut soon, then we need to practice your singing and choreography!

Akira: Got it! I'm ready, Airi-sensei!

Miko: Sensei...

Airi: Oh, right! This is my friend, Miko-chan! She'll help out with your training!

Akira: Next time on Shoppie Idols, "Airi-Chan, Miko-Chan! Help Me With My Training!" Let's shop till we drop!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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