Let's make her Jealous

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Jealousy isn't anything new to the changeling, he will often experience the emotion over the most ridiculous of things. But one of the worst things he got jealous over were the men in Raven's life. No not Cyborg or Robin, for some reason they are immune to his jealousy. No, we're talking about the other male Titan members, like Aqualad, Jericho, and even Kid Flash.

The past week many of the Titans were in Jump City for a meet and greet. And in Beast Boy's opinion, Raven was just a little too friendly with the guys.

She was constantly conversing with Aqualad. And apparently Kid Flash had some Interesting stories about his fast run through Europe. And she even had Jericho teach her some sign language.

He was practically the definition of green with envy, as he glared at the stupid guys having conversations with his girl.

Beast Boy huffed as he sat at the kitchen island, glaring at Raven, as she talked to Aqualad. "Stupid fish out of water." He muttered quietly.

Jinx, who just so happened to be walking by, heard the mutter and it got her attention. She noticeably smirked before hopping on the stool beside him. "What's wrong Beastie Boy?" She asked playfully. He didn't answer as he continued to glare at the couple by the door. "Ah I see, they seem to be enjoying each other's company, are they not?" She acknowledged, the smirk still on her lips.

He growled. "What does he have that I don't?" He said in a dark quiet tone.

"Aqualad? Well... he's tall, handsome, and he has a sexy head of hair." Jinx said, admiring the Atlantean's assets.

"I can be all those things." Beast Boy replied with a slight wine to his voice.

"Can you talk to fish?" She asked.

"I can be a fish!" He said excitedly.

Jinx just shook her head. "Oh sweetie. No girl wants to kiss a fish." She told him in a baby voice, pinching his cheek. Beast Boy quickly pulled his face away as he glared at her. "Look. What you need to do it stop focusing on why she is talking to them. And started focusing on making her jealous.

"Jealous?" He questioned.

"Isn't that what you're feeling right now, jealousy?" She asked.

He slowly glanced back at the pair conversating across the room. "Fine." He huffed turning back to Jinx. "But how am I supposed to make her jealous?"

"Leave that to me." Jinx smirked malevolently her, eyes glinting like a mischievous cat.


"You want to do what?!" Beast Boy asked in surprise.

Jinx huffed and rolled her eyes as they stood in his room. "Look, we all know you have a decent sized fan base. Apparently, girls think the ears are cute for some reason, I don't know." She said, shaking her head. "So, all we need to do, is get Raven to think some girls got a little handsie with you." She said simply.

He looked at suspiciously. "Okay?" He said hesitantly.

"Great! Now take off your shirt." She told him, clapping her hands together.

"Excuse me?" He said with a confused expression on his face.

"Just do it." She insisted impatiently, her hand on her hip.

"What exactly are you going to do?" He asked suspiciously, as he hesitantly pulled his t-shirt over his head.

Jinx quickly applied fresh lipstick and smacked her lips together. "I'm going to kiss you." She said simply.

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