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A/N This is supposed to be a short one-shot. It was just something I thought about and my friend said I should write it. So here it is.

Harry was at his doorstep, he couldn't keep the smile that sneaked its way into his lips. He had won a Grammy. After years of working hard, first in the band that brought him so much joy, and then on his solo career, he still had the boys and their support but things are different when you have to create your own sound and your own image, it is even harder when you had people doing it for you for five years. Despite all of this, Harry was exhausted and all he wanted was to get in bed and cuddle with his bigger supporter, his love, his life, his sun. Louis. Just the thought of him still brought butterflies to Harry's stomach. 

Their relationship was not an easy one, they fought a lot mostly because they didn't want to hide but coming out never felt like an option, especially for Louis. While Harry was free to be more open then Louis, a glass closet is still a closet and they wanted nothing more than to claw their way out. They were happy together, of course, but they knew that having the support of their fans would make everything better. Sure the fans are amazing but they didn't know. They suspect because they are not idiots but there is still a long way between knowing something and thinking that you know something. It hurt Harry to think about that because he saw how destroyed Louis got every time he had to pretend to be someone he was not. 

But tonight was not a night to be sad, tonight they would be happy. They would celebrate and dance and kiss in the kitchen because it was their personal dance floor, the only one where they didn't have to hide.

Harry opened the door and called for Louis. He was a bit worried when there wasn't an answer from the sweet, rasp voice that he was so used to. He assumed that Louis must have already gone to bed. He was a bit disappointed but he understood. He sat on the couch, taking off his boa and placing it on the armrest and threw his head back, looking at the ceiling, taking big breaths to try and ground himself. He was aware of how biased the grammys and the whole industry were but he was still over the moon for getting recognized like that. He was thinking about his performance and how natural it was to feel his body moving to the music, he thought about the friends he made because of his career: Lizzo, Billie, Taylor..., he could not have imagined standing here when he was just a sixteen year old boy auditioning for x-factor.

He heard some noise in the kitchen and since his tummy was also feeling slightly empty, he decided to check what was happening. When he got to the kitchen, he saw his star standing on a chair. Obviously worried that he might fall and hurt himself, Harry basically ran to Louis and secured him by the waist.

"Congrats on the Grammy, lad." Louis told him while his hands found their way into Harry's shoulders.

"Do you want to hurt yourself? Why are you on a chair" Harry asked, not even processing what Louis just told him.

"I want to look at you the same way I did when we fell in love. You were smaller back then. Shyer as well. You and those soft curls" he started playing with Harry's hair " always laughing when you shouldn't, always looking at me with those beautiful green eyes that make me think of a forest wet from the dew on cold mornings. You know I am more than proud of you, you are my everything, I've lived beside for so long now and I don't want any other life, because we are perfect. You are perfect." Harry was tearing up by the time Louis had finished.

"You sure it's perfect? Wouldn't you rather be able to be out? To let people see how much we love each other?" Harry asked, he would never say the words he really wanted to. He was scared that maybe Louis didn't want to be out, maybe he wanted to be able to live this double life, maybe he didn't love Harry as much as Harry loved him.

"Angel, I don't care if we are throwing up rainbows on the street or pretending to be married with children with random girls, I would prefer the first one, as you know, but as long as it's you I come home to, I don't care what people say. I just want it to be you and I forever."

Louis knew that this was a touchy subject, he wanted nothing more than to hold Harry on the street, he wanted to shout that he was in love from the rooftops, but it couldn't be. At least not as of right now.

"And remember, Hazza, with me trying to become a manager and with your name becoming more and more popular, maybe people will start to not care and if they see that it won't hurt their wallets, we will be out in a second. I love you, now and always."

Harry felt so warm inside that he wanted to melt. Louis was his and he was Louis'. They would be happy even if it takes more time than what they wished.  

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