A Tad To Blunt

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It was a lovely spring afternoon, and Shin Tsukimi had just gotten out of math class and had a free period. He planned to go about his free period how he'd usually start it by taking his meds and having lunch, but things wouldn't go quite as he'd planned.

When he got to his locker to get the aforementioned meds, he found a note sloppily taped onto the door, with "For Shin Tsukimi" written on the front of it. Shin unfolded the note, and written on it was...

"Heyyyyyyyyy Shin! I've got something to show you! Meet me in the boys bathroom on the second floor and don't tell anyone about this please! -Sou Hiyori"

Shin found it a bit suspicious that Sou wanted to meet up in the bathroom alone, but suspicious wasn't exactly off brand for Hiyori. "Besides, we're friends, Hiyori wouldn't do anything outlandish..." Shin thought, as he made his way to the boys bathroom on the second floor.

After taking a very tiring flight of stairs, Shin had gotten to the door of the boys bathroom he was supposed to meet Sou at. However, he was starting to get cold feet, and not cause he forgot to wear his socks today, and he tried to think of any possible excuse, but eventually came to the conclusion that he should trust Hiyori not to do anything... brash..

Shin gently opened the door to find Sou Hiyori leaning on the door belonging to the farthest back bathroom stall with his hands in his pockets.

The moment Sou heard the door opening he went from zero to a hundred in a mere second as he shot himself off of the door he had been leaning on to greet his friend "SHIIIIIIIIN!!!" Sou yelled in excitement as he skipped to Shin, grabbing Shin's hands in his "For a moment there I was worried you wouldn't come!" Shin wanted to respond with "I didn't think I would either." But Shin was a bit startled by the greeting and still uneasy about the why he wanted to meet up with him alone so he could only muster enough energy for a "Yeaahhh..."

"So now that we've got greetings out of the way-" Sou let go of one of Shin's hands and lead him into the bathroom stall he was leaning on with the other. "-I just have to give you the present I've prepared for you!" Present? Shin hadn't recalled there being any mention of a present in the letter so his curiosity was peaked "Well.. what is it?" Shin asked, and boy was he not ready for the answer.

By the time Shin had said that, Sou had just locked the door.. "Weeelllll.."

Sou turned to Shin, and pulled a small brown cylinder shaped object out of his pocket....
"Hiyori, please tell me you didn't just bring a blunt to school.."

"Oh Shin, of course not.." Sou giggled. "I got tired of how plain everything has been lately so I thought I'd make one just to try it out and I didn't wanna be alone so I made two so you could have one!" Sou extended his arm out to Shin, blunt in hand.

"I... I really don't want to do that..." Shin was trying to put him down as softly as possible to avoid an argument.

"Awww come on! Don't be a puss, Shin!" Sou replied, playfully waving the blunt at Shin.

Shin tried to think of any way to get out of this situation and not be completely stoned
"I.. uh.." lightbulb! "I just remembered that I didn't take my meds cause I saw the note to come here and got distracted!" Shin was hoping his bad memory would make itself useful for once.

"Pshhh, whatever it is the weed will prolly numb it anyway." Sou wasn't gonna give up on getting Shin to try smoking weed with him.

"I just don't think this would good for our health and all.." Shin was quickly running out of ideas and patience.

"Maybe if we did to much but this is just a weeeeee littol bit so it'll prolly be fine."
"Come on Shin, it's rude to not except a gift, especially when it's from a friend."
Sou was absolutely sure in his heart he'd try weed with Shin, but Shin was off his meds and had just about had it.

"I-I'm not taking your weed!" Shin weakly slapped Sou in the face causing Sou to flinch making him drop the blunt on the ground and some of the weed fell out. "Hey! I spent all morning on that and you went and ruined it!" Sou said as he got down on his knees to put as much of the weed back in the blunt. "Honestly, what else did I expect from you.." Sou loudly mumbled.

Shin instantaneously felt really bad for making Sou sad, and only knew one way to make it things right..

"Hiyori, I'm sorry-I'll-I-wah-I" Shin was struggling to finding the words and was on the verge of tears.

"Spit it out." Sou angrily replied while picking up the weed that fell and putting it back in the blunt.

"Sou.. if.." He couldn't believe what he was about to say.. "if I.. if I smoke that blunt will you forgive me..?"

Sou could be seen physically reacting to what he said, but he took a moment to respond. "I..."

"I'd like that a lot.."

Sou finished putting the blunt back together and got up to face Shin.
"I think we've both gotten pretty on edge during this. You cause you forgot to take your meds, me cause you were of your meds and thought it was a good idea to rudely slap me."
Shin got a little embarrassed by that last part and instinctually muttered out a "Sorry.."
Sou didn't respond to the third apology and instead made an "Ahem," before continuing where he left off.
"Besides all that I think we should just forgive and forget in the best way..."
Without further ado Sou extended his arm to Shin with the blunt in hand.
"420 blaze it?"
Shin still was unsure about smoking weed, but he was so tired after his overreaction that he just didn't want to disagree anymore
"420 blaze it."


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