Open your heart to God

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Umm hello my name is Kiani and I thought that God was just calling me to spread the word of his love and kindness so I will be writing this book.
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Sin has gotten into our lives terribly. Why are we out listening to the world? What we really should be doing is paying attention to what God wants a to do, we shouldn't be killing people, stealing things, committing adultery and all sorts of things like this. What we should be doing is paying attention to who's knocking on the door of pure heart. Our lives were made for good things so why are we letting unwelcome emotions into our heart? Emotions like negativity, condemnation, hate, comparison and fear. God made you fearfully and wonderfully made.
Perfect in his image. Stop thinking these bad and useless emotion about yourself.
Don't let negativity in your heart, whatever is good, think of these.
Romans 8:1 says "there is NO condemnation in the name of Jesus"
It's not easy to kick these people out but it is to accept Jesus to move into your heart. Don't let comparison in your life God loves you for who you are so just close the door to comparison close it in his face when he asks to come in. Comparison will rob you of everything you are, close it.
Even when fear comes to your door and starts to knock do not be tempted to open your precious home to someone who doesn't deserve it. Fear ,fear should not over take your heart and state of mind, because the faith of Jesus Christ is in YOU and shuts out every negative thought out of your heart so just close the door to fear, just
Close it.

Let Christ Jesus in to you and experience the joy and love your Lord has for YOU. Jesus has called you to be you no one else. With the grace of God, all negative things are washed away and will be shut out of your life.
Let Jesus Christ into you heart He is the Lord of all Lords the King of all Kings and the Name above all Names, have faith in Him, He is for you not against.
JHON 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes will not perish but have eternal life"

Dear Heavenly Father,
Lord I thank you for today, I thank you for giving me anther day, I thank you for your love and support that surrounds me. Today/Tonight Lord I ask if you could forgive my sins Lord and wash all negativity out of my life. I love You God, In Jesus name

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