Log 1-Dimension: Apocalypse

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Audio and Transcript by Mars
[Audio Starts]

Ok ok ok. Audio seems to be online and I'll rewrite everything later.
New day, new dimension right? [Sound of a sigh is heard] You'd think one would get use to this but nope. Still feels like limbs get pulled apart and snapped back together like taffy. But hey, when life gives you lemons.
Let's take stock of everything. Recorder? Check. Watch? Check. Food and water? Need to find. Place to stay? Well the land doesn't look to promising here so will have to hike it. [sound of shuffling and footsteps] The lands pretty flat and desolate so not much in the way of getting food, but no places for people to hop out and attack me right? [strained laughter]
Places like these get cold at night right? Like deserts and stuff? Suns about half way up so still got some time but I don't want to be out here at night. I can survive a few days without water, but I won't make it to far if I freeze to death the first night. Out of all the ways to go that's one I don't want to experience today.
[Sound of rocks sliding and strong intake of air] [Speaker is now whispering] I swear to God if I jinxed myself and I get murdered in a waste land I'm gonna haunt someone. Don't know who but I'll make it happen. Should I try to see who it is or run? I can't run and anything out here is probably made to survive in this place and I'm not.
[Speaker yells] Hello? I heard something moving. I promise I'm like the least dangerous thing out here.
[more sounds of sliding terrain] [speaker is whispering again] Oh no, oh god, what did I do? About 200ft away a figure just sprung up and oh no. They are tall, really tall and don't look human. What dimension am I in? The figure is covered in purple scales and has long arms and legs. Um, they also seem to be wearing old sewn together clothes. Oh no they are getting closer.
(Mars) Hi, um, names Mars, you?
(Dragon) Hello! It's Dragon. What are you doing out here? It's a good way to get your self killed?
(Mars) Is it? I'm not sure where I am. Where are we? And, um, do you know places to get food and stuff.
(Dragon) Wh-what do you mean? Are you, like, not from around here or hit your head? Concussi-
(Mars) Oh no, my head is the least of my worries. I'm not...from here. You believe in dimension traveling?
[Dragon looks confused and gives a very strange look] (Mars) Hey, at least you didn't call me crazy right off the bat. Can we go somewhere before I start my conspiracy talk?
(Dragon) Um, yeah sure. I don't live to far away.
[Recorder clicks off]
[Audio starts]
Dragon left to go get food. Had to turn recorder off while we walked as I had to help carry some stuff. Dragon seems like a decent character, but haven't had to much time to get a read off her. She did however tell me a bit about this place. She didn't seem to familiar with the history of the place, sadly. She was able to tell me that some sort of big change happened that cause the area to be so dead. Couldn't tell if she meant like a war or some sort of climate thing happened but something major must have happened for her to be so sad about it.
Dragons one of the more interesting people I've meet so far. I've never seen anyone who looks like her but I've seen some wild things in the past. She was super nice to let me stay here. If someone just showed up like this I don't know if I would have, but then again, this isn't the first nor the last this will happen.
Dragon said she had to get more food and I offered to help but she said it was to dangerous so what could she be doing. I don't know what sort of things would mess with her, as tall as she is. This seems like a nice enough place to stay for a bit. I wish I had a price of wood or something to keep from jinxing myself but I don't think there's any for miles around. I wounded how long I'll be here fo-
[Sound of a loud scream] What the hell was that? Was that dragon? Oh no oh no. [sound of frantic shuffling and then running] Ok ok ok. I grabbed one of the weapons Dragon had in her space. It's some sort of spear thing and hopeful I can use it.
[Sound of heavy breathing then a scream from Mars] (Mars) Dragon, what's going on? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? [a roar is heard]
(Dragon) Mars get out of here! These things will kill you! RUN!
[Sounds of the creature coming at the recorder. Another scream is heard and the sound of claws going by.] [Silence]
[...the sound of a ticking clock is heard]
[The creature roars on pain the a loud thump is heard] (Dragon) Mars please please please be ok.
(Mars) I'm fine why?
(Dragon) I thought it-I thought you had-Let's...lets go inside. I've got more food. [Two sets of footsteps are heard but no talking]
[Footsteps stop] (Mars) What's that?
(Dragon) Whats wha-Are those flowers?
(Mars) Didn't you say that most things had died?
(Dragon) Yes! I've been trying to grow things for years! Why now did somethi-
(Mars) Cornflowers. Those are cornflowers.
[Recorder clicks off]
[Audio starts]
(Mars) I'll try to be back! I just don't know how long.
(Dragon) It's been so good to see someone and to have a friend.
[A sniff] (Mars) It's been wonderful and I wish I could stay longer but I don't get to chose fate.
[A ticking is heard and steadily grows louder] (Dragon) I guess I'll see you later! Don't get attacked by any mor-
[Recorder clicks off]

This dimension seems empty and quite hostile, however, it seems like not all is bad there. Adding the dimension to the rotation.

Author note- Let's see how much of this I can do lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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