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it was the last game, and basically the last day of school we were moving on after this, mar and i fixed our problems and were going to colleges an hour away from each other.

"bitch i cant believe im going to hawaii, ima live my best life while ur ass is in chicago" tyler said laughing at me while helping me pack "i forgot who was going to be alone during the summer time?" his smirk turned into a frown "ugh u and karly are going to illinois, i guess ill miss u fuck-os" he said while karly entered the room and smacked his head "oh i know you'll miss us" she said laughing "yo heres the tape"

"you guys arent done???" samy asked annoyed "what the plane rides at like 3 in the morning" i said "mar tell him" "shes right" he mumbled "aw u cant tell ur stuck up friend hes wrong" tyler said annoyed "whats tied up in ur panties" samy said looking at tyler throwing a fit "im going to be alone! these bitches r going somewhere ugly while im living beautifully, do you not understand?" he yelled "tyler think about all the guys!" i said as i saw tylers eyes sparkled "ur right! who needs you guys when theses literally so many cute guys out there! hahah bye mf" he said laughing while taking a sip of his drink "how can ones mood change like that" samy asked

"done" i said putting my luggage in our car "ima miss u tyler even you samy" i said hugging them "lets go tyler, ima be in pain for hours" samy whispered to us "lets go bitches!" karly said as mar and i held hands "oh i better find a man in chicago" she said while i laughed, i watched as samy and tylers car went separate ways from us, oh how ill miss those fuckers.


so i finished another book...took me some time sorry :)

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