Chapter 1.

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❀ means setting change

☁ means first person pov

♡ means third person pov (normally gonna be after ☁)

"Should we go look for him, sir?" A voice asks through a device. "No," the answer of a monotone voice rang through an empty blood smelled ragged house. The monotone voice spoke again "I want to have a little hunt with this, young boy." Soft padded feet could be heard down the hallway of the ragged house, a young child froze in their footsteps, tears brimming in their eyes when they arrived at the scene that lays in front of them. "Well shit, I thought we searched this house from top to bottom...Sir, it seems there is a young child, possibly around the age of 5, alive and breathing in this house." The monotone voice answered once again "take them here and they better be here alive." The slivery voice started talking, "yes sir," rolling their eyes before ending the call.

   "Reniar"-  an immediate orotund voice responded, "yes chief?" "take the child to the base." "Yes chief," responded Reniar as he took the young crying child by the arm and disappeared into thin air. Reniar looked around the age of 17, with maroon-colored long hair in which half of it was reeled back into a ponytail and had two strands sticking out which were white. Dusty white skin with light gray spots around his cheekbone, black-colored eyes, and wore a white suit with a white cape attached by a gold chain. Someone started pacing towards the 'chief', "Chief, it seems one of the children is breathing, but still unconscious. Should we kill 'em or take 'em?" The 'chief' hums in reply, "Take them, the doctors did request for more blood packets." "Of course chief," the person responds as they walk towards the window where an unconscious child lays, with blood slightly dripping out of their mouth. Picking up the frail child bridal style as gently as they could, they walk towards the 'chief.' "Chief, I think we should get going, the missing one might come and find us." "Yeah, Yeah, don't worry we're gonna get going. Alright, everyone, we're heading out. Now." The 'chief' states, as he starts walking out of the ragged house and figures start disappearing into thin air. The 'chief' runs a hand through his hair and sighs, "Iris, how many did we take?" Iris's head immediately shot up after looking down at the device in her hands, "Uh, 54 people, Chief. Which is only 5% more than Prism's squad." Iris grins as she spoke, "We should head back now Chief." As Iris looks up at the 'chief' in concern, " Yeah, you should head back first, I'll be there soon don't worry about me." Iris nods in response to his words and disappears. Iris had pastel pink hair that was cut to where her tail bone had green colored eyes, she wears a black dress with a white collar shirt underneath, white leggings, and red glove ankle boots. (Yes she is wearing shorts underneath)

A young boy seemingly around the age of 12 started approaching the ragged house of his. 'They would love this,' he thought to himself, nearing more closer to the ragged house he smells a faint scent of blood in the air as it sends him into a panic. 'Blood?!' The young boy immediately rushes towards the house opening the door just seeing the bodies of his lifeless family on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. "Storm!? MA!?" He rushes toward the bodies of his younger brother and mother, guilt and sadness start flooding his body. Getting up from the floor he walks around the house hoping to find his sister and other brother hiding and alive. After searching from top to bottom of the house he found nothing not a single trace of his missing siblings. "They're gone, gone forever." His voice started quivering as he says that.

❀   "Oh hello Chief Kevac, it seems your squad arrived earlier than Chief Prisms squad, haha." A lady says as she greets the arrival of 'Chief Kevac', Kevac hums in reply at the greeting, entering the building he is greeted by a rich aroma. Walking towards the elevator, Kevac hears a voice, "Good evening Sir Kevac!" looking slightly down he is greeted by a man with blond hair spilt in the middle, dark green eyes, and wearing a typical black suit. "Oh good evening Cleo, is everyone back and in the building?" Kevac asks when noticing Cleo in front of him. "Of course they are sir. Though, the committee had came by while your squad was gone and asked me to give you this" Cleo says while handing Kevac a file. Once Kevac took the file he quickly skimmed through it before saying "Did they say anything else before leaving?" "Well, I mean, it was their assistant that did walk over to the department and hand me this file. Soo, No?" Cleo replies slightly confused looking up at Kevac, Kevac pulls out a yellow sticky note from the end of the file. Written on it is "Kevac meet Madam White in Department Z, F10, during midnight. She wishes to talk to you." After reading the note he folds it in half and stuffs it in his pocket, "Let's go Cleo, we should head back before my squad worries where I am." Cleo nods once he hears Kevac say that,  the rest of the walk to the elevator was in silence. Once entering the elevator Kevac speaks up "No I'm not going to tell you what was on that note." "Of course sir, my apologies for thinking that sir." Kevac hums in reply once he hears that.

☁  I woke up in a dark room, but I don't know where I am, and that's what terrifies me. Looking around I didn't see my bunny, starting to shake because I can't find it. I get up going to look under the bed I woke up in. Nothing. I feel tears in my eyes because my brother isn't here, my bunny is gone, and cause I'm scared of the dark. Hearing the doorknob turn I look in the direction of it, hoping to see my brother. Instead, I see a bright light and a woman with cornflower color hair, wearing some kind of black color coat with a loose belt around their waist, and...holding a clipboard? "Oh my, sweetie are you crying?" She says as she steps closer to me, tucking the clipboard under her arm. "It's okay sweetie, I'm not going to hurt you. I just need you to come with me, okay sweetie?" Still not trusting her I look her up and down, 'Will she harm me? Is she lying? Does she have my bunny? If I go with her will I get my bunny? Will I be able to see my brother?' Questions and questions just fill my brain, not realizing the woman had crouched down to my eye level. "Don't worry we'll give you your bunny afterward!" After hearing those words I snap back into reality and nod. The woman stands up taking my hand while her other hand carries the clipboard she came in with. Leaving the dark and scary room we enter a much larger room outside of my room, entering a long hallway with fuzzy red carpet, plain white walls, circle lights built into the also plain white ceiling, multiple painted doors with a small rectangular window, and weird signs next to the doors. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pinch on my right arm, but I started feeling dizzy and passed out before I could do anything.

♡   "Once she awakes notify me, got it, Elli?" "Yes ma'am." "Good, I have business to attend to, take care, Elli." "Of course madam." Soon the door could be heard shutting. 'Elli' had cornflower-colored long hair, blue eyes a white notched coat blazer dress, which had a black belt around her waist, and black thigh-high boots. 'Ugh, this isn't fucking fair, Cat gets to be her god damn assistant while I'm stuck here in department V. This job is just full of shit with nasty loud ass children who never shut up.' Elli mentally complains to herself before hearing a creak in the bed a young child was passed out on. Turning around, Elli saw the child who was asleep sitting up, looking down at her hands that lay on the blanket. 'Oh, she woke up. I'll notify her later, hopefully, I don't get in trouble for it.' Elli thinks as she just stares at the child from across the room. Walking towards the child's bed and pulling a chair to sit next to her, Elli speaks up. " Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" Silence. 'Damn not even a reaction.' "It's okay sweetie I won't hurt you. I just need you to tell me your name, okay sweetie?" A mumble comes out of the child's mouth, "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that." "M...Melia" " Well it's nice to meet you, Melia, I'm Dr. Shivani, but you can call me Elli. Do you have a last name, Melia?"

❀☁   Turning away from the graves, I walk away. 'Never turning back now, this is just a memory by a thread.' Observing my surroundings and getting nothing, 'Should I just head back to that small town? It would probably be best if I do because they're all gone.'

♡   It happened in a blur, and the next thing he knew someone stood in front of him. "Hey kid, you gotta watch where your going next time. You would've got wiped out first hit, got it, kid?" As he processes the words the stranger who saved him turns and looks down, helping him up. "What's your name kid?" "Uhm...Helios," "Ah, neat name kid, the names Vikley, but call me Vik." Vik has a bob cut with a small braid on their left side that is up to their shoulder. They wore black shorts with a white sleeved shirt under a black suit vest, they also had angel-like wings which were light gray instead of white. On their left hip, a sword was strapped to them and a small carrier bag on their right thigh. "You should follow me, the sun is going to start setting by the time we reach the end of the forest. And y'know before those weird mutations of dracat's come by, they get dangerous during the dark." Vik said turning around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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