The Power of Envy

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 Ben is normally an honest person but, there is one thing he will never admit. He was jealous, he was poor and unlikable always sitting in the corner with his few friends Liana and Scott. He wished he was rich with all the friends he could ever have, he wished he was Wilber.

"Hey what's up with that long face of yours?" A girl with short black hair with big glasses walked up to Ben. That was Liana one of Ben's only friends, she was a very observational person so even though he was just thinking to himself she could see the longing reflecting in Ben's eyes.

"I am just fine" Ben answered, another lie he told. He never lied so much to other people he only lied to himself. The look of hurt that flashed in her eyes showed that she knew he lied too.

Wilber then walks into the room with the herd of girls following behind him. He always acts as if they weren't there, he tries to sit by himself and no one leaves him alone. Ben would love to have more people do things for me, the only difference would be that it wouldn't be girls, but who wants to hang out with the obvious queer. Wilber suddenly looks up to me and gives a little wave a blank expression on his face.

Ben tries to hate Wilber he has everything Ben doesn't but little interactions like that make it very hard. He almost hates Wilber for being so likable.

The day passes with that interaction between Ben and Wilber replaying in Ben's head.

Later when Ben got home he goes into the living room and hears his dad cooking in the kitchen.

"Hey, Ben your sister will be getting home in an hour dinner will be done by then I need to go work for a bit so if it's done and I am not up here take dinner out of the oven and get me." Ben's dad yells from the next room.

"Ok, Dad!" Ben replies. His Dad always made him feel better, he was a very adamant parent since Ben's mother died. Ben knew he should stay down in the Kitchen but he was exhaustingly tired. Ben went upstairs and into bed. Before he falls asleep he remembers his wish to become Wilber and hopes he gets at least a day of knowing.

Ben woke up the next morning, he knew he was going to get yelled at while considered what to do with his eyes closed when suddenly he woke up to an alarm clock that didn't sound like his. Ben's eyes shot open in surprise and he looks around his room to a place he does not recognize. He springs up looking for which room is the bathroom for a mirror the first door he checks is a closet, the second to a hallway and the last one he checks is a bathroom. He looks in the mirror and finds his black hair and brown eyes gone with now a head of blonde hair and blue eyes. He looks just like Wilber. He could not believe his eyes was he dreaming? It was whatever now he gets to see how it feels to be rich. Ben exits the bathroom and changes his clothing albeit, with his eyes closed, he was still gay after all. He went through the door that went to the hallway.

Ben saw a man that looks a lot like a butler. "Hello, Wilber" the man greets. "Your father will not be here this morning I will drop you off at school."

When Ben gets to school he feels like a king everyone wanted to talk to him, the only thing was the herd of girls was a bit uncomfortable.

When lunch starts he saw himself at his usual table and he looked at me and referenced me to meet him in the hallway, Ben was somehow able to get rid of the clique of girls that were swooning over him.

Ben saw himself leaning against the wall in a very cool pose. "Hey, it's Wilber I am inside your body. Wait that sounds wrong I mean I am controlling your body and you are in mine." He smiles at him and it made something flutter in Ben's stomach. Wow getting flustered at your own smile that's a first he thought.

"I know right this is so cool I wonder why we switched bodies?" Ben asked excitedly.

"Wait you don't know?" Wilber asks Ben clear heartbreak in his eyes.

"Know what?"

"Nevermind I have something I need you to do," Wilber says completely dispersing the hurt he felt. "I need you to avoid my dad when you get home, he's really busy." There was something he wasn't telling Ben but he had to trust Wilber.

"Ok but you need to tell me whatever is up with us going all freaky Friday." Ben knew lunch was ending soon so he will just have to deal with it.

The rest of his amazing day ended too fast so he ended up going back to Wilber's house with a fancy ride to pick him up. He was ready to head back up to Wilber's room, but he was stopped.

"Mister Wilber your father wants to meet you in his office." The butler had a look of sympathy on his face.

"Ok," Ben said scared because of what Wilber said earlier. Ben takes a trip up the stairs his legs knowing where to go but his mind doesn't, Does Wilber always feel like this when he is sent to the office? Ben reached the door and hesitantly knocks on the door.

"Wilber it is time for your weekly report, What are you?" Ben was confused he did not know what he meant.

"Uhhhhh your son?" Ben questioned if that was the answer.

"No don't get out of answering my question. What are you?" The man questioned again.

"I am a boy?" Ben tried again.

"No What. Are. You?" The man was getting fed up.

"A student?" Ben knew he was wrong again when the man punched him in the teeth.

"You like girls, you are not a fag. Are you a fag Wilber?"

That obvious tone was supposed to be condescending. He was a homophobe by the look of it.

Suddenly it felt like Ben's soul was being sucked out of him, he then woke up in his body. He was in his bed and he was hyperventilating. When he looks around him he saw his familiar room. Ben got up and went to his school computer to look up what that dream meant. When he looked it up though it told him that one time during your life you would switch bodies with your soulmate and it's a 24 hour period, Ben looks at the clock and saw that it was around the time he went to sleep yesterday and when he was getting hit just minutes ago.

Ben's eyes widen and he grabs his backpack and starts biking to the estate that he just disappeared from. He looked at the tall walls of the outside and he gulped needed to scale them. He was glad he did a lot of mountain climbing, this really helped him figure out how to get up the wall.

Once he got over the wall he busts the front door with only one goal to get Wilber safe. The yelling was so familiar, but he had to pull through for Wilber. He saw Wilber on the floor and his father walking away, his back turned to him. Ben sprinted and picked up Wilber now understanding why he weighs so little. His father turned and his eye sparkled with fury and Ben was already back turned on his way out. He kept running back in forth to make sure he did not have a gun and opens the gate and bikes the rest of the way with Wilber on his second seat.

When they got back to Ben's house he put Wilber in his bed waiting for him to wake up.

Hours later Wilber stirred while Ben was asleep and looked around the room noticing he woke up in the same place as before. Wilber knew he had to stay with this one.

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