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You wake up in the tent, it stinks which makes you wrinkle your nose in disgust as you get up, this is definitely not up to your pureblood standards, neither was spending time with the mudblood and bloodtraitors but the dark lord had commanded it so you must obey.

You walk into the kitchen area disguising your hatred with a smile as harry stands and kisses you making you cringe inwardly "morning babe, we were just going over possible horcruxes" he says taking your hand and leading you towards hermione and Ron, "good morning y/n!"hermione says and you respond with the same, you notice ron staring at you as he always does 'fucking perv' you think with disdain and sit down across from them as they continue going over ideas.

You all talk for hours and as night falls you start walking towards your bunk when you feel Harry's hand on your ass "stay with me tonight..." he whispers in your ear sending chills down your spine "I'm sorry I'm um... I'm not ready for anything like that yet" you say and see the anger and impatience in his eyes "fine!" He sneers and stomps off as you sigh and go to bed.

The next morning you hear arguing as you wake up and open your eyes when one word jumps out at you 'VOLDEMORT!' You rush into the room and see hermione and Ron's panicked faces as the sound of someone apparating is heard from outside the tent, they all start shaking with fear and look to you in confusion as a grin rises on your face as you think 'I'm going home'

A.N I hope you enjoyed this taster to the story, please let me know your thoughts and I will release the first chapter tommorow! 😁❤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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