~Chapter One~

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Amiralina walked through the city, hearing her small black shoes hitting the cobblestone roads of the busy street filled with their usual hustlers and their casual stragglers trying to get through and steal money from pockets. The streets were only barely lit by the small sun from above and the clouds in the sky, as gray as the turning tides in the far imaginary islands. Amiralina continues her short strides to go into the bakery at the end of Vhilozinia road, the small yet most visited place in all of Maldonia. She bursts through the door, a large smile as bright as sunrise in summer on her tan face. Her friend Arlan jumps at the sound, almost nearly breaking their coffee glasses in the process. "Dude, why are you so loud?" he says, sighing and rubbing his eyes after the slight shock. He puts the cup into a small cabinet and looks at his smaller friend, sitting in a chair but still having the energy of a wild horse. "Because, why not? Oh! Arlan guesses what-" Amiralina continues on rambling, continuing her wild goose chase of getting her unexcited and sleep-deprived friend to cheer up.

    "Amir, please, if you love me at all, you'll just tell me," Arlan says, walking around from the counter and opening a case with donuts and cookies in it, grabbing a small donut with pink sprinkles and yellow cream. "Okay, okay! I'm going on a..adventure!" Amiralina whispers the last part and opens her hands, doing jazz hands. She smiles and taps the table loudly, causing a few people to turn their heads to the table, wondering what could be going on that's so exciting. "Huh? Amir, I know you like exploring but you can't go on a full-blown adventure. Where are you even gonna go?" Arlan says, raising an eyebrow at her and resting his head on his hand. "I'm going outside the kingdom walls," Amir says, her face going blank and staring directly into the nothingness behind her friend, wondering if he'll agree. "Oh. Really? And how will you do that huh?"

    "I'll dig a tunnel, or go high," she says, holding out her hands, making long vines grow out of her hands, turning and twisting like small snakes in her palms. Arlan sighs, frowning at his childhood friend. "Okay, I'm gonna come right out and say you're insane Amir." He exclaims, throwing up his hands in an exasperated tone. He takes a large bite out of the yellow donut and sets it down, waiting for his dramatic response to his almost religious comment every time Amiralina does something. Amiralina just sighs, standing up from her chair silently, and slides a small ripped and wared paper to Arlan. "Just if you decide to go with me for once. I can ask Sareelin to go with me if you don't want to" Amiralina says, grabbing her satchel and walking out the cafe.

    Arlan frowns and looks at the crumpled paper, opening it the slightest and seeing odd writings and coordinates with red pen marks all over it. Arlan tilts his head in curiosity, wondering what his friend could possibly be brewing to finally make a huge plan to go the King County. He rolls his eyes in annoyance and runs to the back room, grabbing his satchel and hat, putting on his coat, and running out the door into the day, not knowing what was up ahead.


    Amiralina awaits on the border of the Western outlines, wondering if her friend will come with her as her other friend decides to take a seat on my mossy earth floor, waiting for the silence to ever end. "Amira, when is he gonna get here? It'll be light soon and I don't want Konambras to see us!" her quite impatient friend, Sareelin, wiper-yells to the girl leaning on the border fence. Amiralina sighs, checking her watch on the inside of her wrist, frowning. She slides to the floor next to Sareelin, tapping her fingers on the floor worriedly.

    "He'll be here, okay Sareelin?" Amiralina grouches, her face turning a bright red at the thought of Arlan just leaving them there. Sareelin looks away out of embarrassment, searching the forest lines of one of her closest friends' appearance. Sareelin stands suddenly, rummaging through a small bag she'd brought for the occasion. She pulls out a small vial, containing Warkeens blood, a famously dangerous beast known for its shape-shifting and manipulative ways. Being the only Witch-born in Maldonia, she was able to get some dangerous things if needed.

~𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖓 𝕺𝖋 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕹𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙~ Where stories live. Discover now