Chapter 1

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"Are we that kiss in the rain type of couple?" Evelyn says

"Maybe, who wants to know?" Isaiah whispered in her ear

The internal bliss she felt in her heart gave her a moment and looked at him and----

Did the intensity of that kill you, well I guess you know and I'll have to find out. My names Evelyn and here's my story, with me and my boyfriend (which hopefully will be my husband and father of my kids some day).

Yes I had to give the suspense it felt wrong without it, and by the way we might want to start over, that's a little too far in the story to start.

I guess what someone might call our love story is probably, a bad circumstance for meeting the love of your life, but you don't know its them until you have to find out.

You might want a bit of an introduction first I'm Evelyn you might be able to tell that I'm very outgoing and I have the enthusiasm. My lover Isaiah is the one that's kind of timid but overall chill and content with everything. That's all you'll really need to get through this, but more will be introduced as the story continues.

We should probably get on with the story. Me and my boyfriend met at a restaurant, well actually I met his mom first. Me and his mom met in the restaurant as well though. She dropped her money on her way into the restaurant and couldn't find it so we are all going crazy trying to help her find it. Everybody in the restaurant because nobody wanted to be accused of stealing it. She walks up to me though and says
"Whats in your pockets?"

I respond "Nothing is in my pockets I'm here with my father for dinner."

"Can I check?"

"Yes, but" I start to argue, "I don't get why you are accusing me of having your money. When you have everybody looking for it, it could be literally anywhere."

"I don't like your attitude."

She checks me and then she's gone, here is the best moment of my life the one where I meet Isaiah. He starts walking towards me and he has a sort of apologetic face on and notices I'm his age.

"I'm sorry about my mother she tend to accuse people quickly especially people our age because of how she was at our age."

"It's ok I get it, but she seems so demanding how do you deal with her?"

"I just kind of ignore it at this point, but can I make it up to you?"

"Sure you can, what do you have in mind?"

"Can I bring you to dinner all three of us so my mom can apologize? Also can I have your number so we can plan it?"

"Yeah for sure, can I see your phone."
He hands Me his phone and I put my number in and add my name, but realize he doesn't know it yet.

"My name Evelyn by the way."

"I like it, mine is Isaiah."
--Hi! I'm a first time author here, I will update this as much as possible. Depends on writers block, usually once or twice a week. Tell me of mistakes or anything like that. Also I'm always happy to talk message me whenever. This is just something creative I thought I would do in my spare time--

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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