pt 1

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lunas POV:

today was a nice day, blue bright sky, beautiful brightened grass and best of all. the people, luna always found a way to become friends with everyone in the London streets. her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a big man...

"oh im sorry I wasn't looking-" luna stuttered as she grabbed her books which had fallen.

"it was my fault I wasn't looking..." the man said, "im megamind." it was at that moment she knew she was in the presence of the one and only


"its fine." she dusted off her skirt and looked back up "im luna, luna carvajal"

his eyes widened.

"luna carvajal... as in Francis carvajal the multi millioner" (did I spell that shi right)

"yes" she laughed "that's me." she looked into his eyes, she didn't notice at first but his eyes were a bright green, almost emerald.

"I can't help but say sir, your eyes are so amazing." she giggled

"thank you" he bowed playfully.

luna looks at the store "cmon, why don't we Get a drink" she nods over to the coffee shop.

"sure why not" he says and follows behind luna.

they both enter the room and take a seat

"well this is nice" luna smiles

"it is" he looks around "nice color"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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