Chapter I

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I don't think I need to introduce myself, but I will. Just for my own peace of mind.

My name is Detective Joanna Wolff.

Most of you know me from the Kaitlyn Becker trial a few months ago. Some of you don't, and that's okay. I would prefer a fresh start anyway.

I had completed three weeks of mandatory therapy following the Becker case, and was given an extra two weeks just to recompose myself. I suppose I did. I found comfort once again, I learnt how to sleep without bringing back images of Kaitlyn's severed tongue, decaying in the sewer.

When I felt the time was right, I asked to rejoin the force. And given the entire pandemic, and people falling sick, the department was desperately in need for experienced personnel. Moreover, my lieutenant who's been by my side for years, was hospitalised because of the virus. So when I did join back, I was given control over the branch and could take over any case that I felt necessary.

And with that in mind, this was my first case back. Maya Menon, the kind of name that slides from your lips. She was an Asian woman, Indian, I assume. She lived on the other side of town. It was four in the evening when her call came through to one of the officers. I don't listen in on emergency calls until required, but there was something about this. A kind of gut instinct that made me listen in.

"Hello" her voice was soft, almost like a whisper. "I need help, please."

I held the officer by the arm, and took over the call. 'Ma'am, I need you to take a breath.'

She was breathing fast, almost rapid. "Please help me, they're going to kill me."

'Ma'am' I try to reassure her, 'I have your address on file, I'm going to send help. Who is trying to kill you?'

Her breathing becomes louder, the hairs on my arm stand because of the fear. "Please officer," she begs, "They're here."

'Who, ma'am I need you to tell me?'

She doesn't answer. There is a long silence, and when I hear her breathe again, I hear someone else as well. I whisper, 'Is there someone else in the room?'

Her voice becomes louder. As though it's strong.

"Yes please, I'd like to order a cheese pizza for two."

I pause, and quietly alert the officer beside me to send in a squad.

'Okay, do they have any weapons?'

"Yes. Garlic bread."

'And how many of them are there?'

"Like I said, a pizza for t w o.

I feel the blood rush through my veins. 'Could I have your name?'

"My name is Maya Menon."

'Okay, is there anything else you'd like to tell me Maya?'

I hear a man's voice in the background. Not just one, but two. They're speaking another language.

"Could you come as soon as possible? We're really hungry."

'I've sent a squad car to your address already.'

Her voice trembles for just a moment. "Thank you."

'Maya' I raise my voice, 'Could you stay on call until the officers arrive?'

"No, thank you" she says, "That will be all."

The line disconnects. And my heart races as fast as it ever has. The woman is in danger, I need to get there as fast as I can.

As I'm driving, I receive a call from one of the officers. 'Detective, we've reached her residence. Would you like us to go inside?'

"Did you get what I asked you to?"

'Yes' they said, 'We got a pizza, and we aren't in our uniforms as well.'

"Alright, be very careful. It looks like a case of domestic abuse. There are a minimum of two men. They are armed as well."

I reach her residence ten minutes after the call. And when I open the door, I scream in horror when I see Maya's body taped to the floor. The officers stand beside her. They look at me with sadness in their eyes, 'She was like this when we found her.'

She was undressed. Tied with tapes to the carpet below. And her skin was covered with a chemical that dripped between her fingers and toes.

How the fuck did they do this in so little time.

'Does she have family?'

"No" they say, "We couldn't find anyone."

'What about the men who were with her when she called?'

"We couldn't find them, there's no trace that they were here. We've alerted the coroner, to find a cause of death."

It's always the chances we didn't take that we regret. And as a detective, it's always the victims we couldn't save that eat us until our death. It's a horrible feeling, something I haven't felt since Kaitlyn's death.
That evening, all I could hear was the sound of her voice. The helplessness. She didn't have a choice.

Suddenly, my phone rings. It is the doctor in charge of the autopsy. 'Detective Wolff, I've found some anomaly.'

"What is it doctor?"

'The body you sent me today. The thirty two year old woman, Maya Menon.'

"What about her?"

'Her body has been coated with a chemical that's preserved the necrotic process of the epithelium.'

"English, doctor."

'Her body has been preserved, detective.'

"Doctor, I don't understand."

'Detective, I don't know how she died yet. But what I do know is that she didn't die today.'

I feel my insides sink.

'Detective' he breathes into the phone, 'Maya Menon didn't die now. She died at least seven years ago.'

The Murder of Maya Menon Where stories live. Discover now