Chapter 1

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"Always choose the ugly truth over the pretty lie"

Someone once somewhere said, I thought of it as in wise, smart and also clever, but sometimes the lies were that beautiful that it was hard to say no, and then next thing you know, you're hurt...

Well it all started simply, I was laying in my room, in a hoodie and sweatpants feeling absolutely terrible due to god knows what, maybe it was the argument I had with my parents, once again crushing my own dreams, but what can I do. I have been getting messages from the group chat for a bit until I have reached lazily for my phone absolutely not bothered, immediately receiving a smile on my face, Arisu, Karube and Chota always knew how to make me happy they were practically siblings towards me just not by blood. I quickly wrote back that I'll be there in ten to fifteen minutes, they all agreed to meet up somewhere, I rolled out of bed putting on some black jeans and a different hoodie, quickly styling my hair (Since I don't know the length of yalls hair) and leaving without even saying a "goodbye" or an "I'll see you later, I love you!" I really didn't want to talk to my parents, which I didn't know of yet but I wouldn't be seeing them for god knows how long...

I have been walking for five minutes until I saw my best friends, I have lived pretty close to all which I was really thankful of, I ran up to them jumping onto the one person that had their back faced to me, I obviously haven't spoken a words since nobody saw me earlier until now, Karube was about to yeet/throw the person off their back which was me, until I have closed his eyes, covered them with my hands as I spoke gently in a singing tone, "Guess who it isss~" as I heard the other two try to stop their laughter. Karube has guessed already saying in a joking way, "Y/n if you don't get off-" next thing he knew I already was off his back hugging the three of them. Although I haven't seen them for a few weeks it's felt like eternity to be hugged by them, I pulled away from them with a bright smile as we walked over to a wall to talk. We have been talking about random things, which I found out Karube was now 'jobless', Arisu was 'homeless' and Chota skipped work, I has updated them on what happened which they obviously hyped me up, "Well I think your dreams shall be achieved" said one of the boys, as Karube spoke my full attention at him and the other two is well, "If there was a zombie invasion, I think Arisu would survive" I have then zoned out until, Karube lifted Arisu up onto his shoulders, running into a crowd of people, I and Chota following after them as Chota would record them and I would cheer them on "A-RI-SU!" repeatedly until by messing around that way, we have caused a car accident and it earned the attention of the authorities (Police). As we saw the authorities running towards them and the car accident we ran towards the bathrooms of Shibuya Station successfully making it there, I didn't even care I have entered the male bathroom, I just simply entered a stall with the three of them. As we were holding in our laughter, me ignoring the previous message they sent, as they were waving around the air, there was a bang on the door which made them to shut up and I had already put my finger up to my mouth as a sign of being quiet.

After a few quiet seconds I breathed out in relief, but then the electricity went out making me stiffen at the sudden action. I have been trying to turn on my phone, but with my luck today? Nothing, I mean what could you expect. We left the stall since it was a bit too quiet for my liking, we've agreed that we'll separate for a bit I firstly checked the streets receiving nothing, nothing was heard unless for my footsteps or one of the boys, I ran home expecting to see my mother and father standing there disappointed and mad that I left without a word, but once I entered it only sent me shivers down my spine, it was quieter than ever, no light, nobody was there. I ran back to the Shibuya Station, seeing Arisu, Chota and Karube coming just as I was, "found anything?"
I asked them which I received simple "no" or something negative, it was getting darker each time and there still was nobody as we sat in the middle of the road, Karube trying to stop me, Chota and Arisu from joking around how it's actually fun in some way, suddenly a screen flashed on a building saying that a game will commence shortly and an arrow showing the way. "What do they mean by 'game' there's literally nobody unless us, well for as far as we know it's just us four" I shrugged stating clear facts, as we started heading over to where the arrow was pointing. As we got there we stood in front of a building/apartment, we walked into the building me already getting the weird and creepy vibes, rushing over to the elevator while asking "Do we have to be here?" Karube answered while going after Chota "I guess we'll see" he has always mocked me or did things to make me scared, even though he did care for me, he was that type of person, at least for me. I shook my head in disbelief as everyone was in the elevator. We've reached a certain floor as we got out and I saw some phones laying, us heading over as I swore I saw some readish maybe blue but for sure lasers... we saw a sign that basically said "one per person" as I picked up and the phone, well person in the phone spoke "face recognition closed" I raised my eyebrow as they shrugged and I looked to my left to see a rather organised looking woman, as she entered she straight away went to Chota and got his name tag, taking it and throwing it across the space we were in, as a laser shot threw it half way in the air. My eyes widened as I heard the woman saying something like that 'once you enter you can't leave' or something in the words of that, then suddenly a girl comes running and saying how she thought she was alone as Arisu and me myself and others tried stopping her but she didn't listen, she just looked at us in a questioning way. As the registration closes me and the others find out that the game is called "Dead or Alive" and that we are playing for the 3♣/three of clubs. To win I and the other players need to select the correct door within the stipulated time limit and get out the building, I entered the room first as I looked at the door with a skeleton and "Dead" written on it and on the other one a kind of angel and "Alive" written on it, the business looking woman speak, "It's obviously the Alive door" she pointed out which I thought that it'd be to easy but as time got shorter and shorter the younger girl/school girl goes threw earning a laser threw her head, Chota was recording all this time as I just stood there shocked as it counted down "5.. 4.." and so on as Karube practically yanked me to the "Dead" door with the others following safely. I slid down, sitting against the wall as Chota was next to me, I'm not sure what he was doing my mind just wandered off to the poor now dead girl.


1342 words for the first chapter, not bad anyways please tell me what you think about it I know I stopped all of a sudden but it's really late and I'm really tired so, goodnight I guess.

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