I Don't Have Friends.

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Jack's POV

I was so happy Rapunzel had agreed to sit with us. In truth, I wasn't only scared of Stella. I was terrified of Mason too. So when Stella and Rapunzel slowed down, I wasn't surprised that Mason grabbed my arm. I knew he was going to say something to me. I just didn't know what.

He whispered to me, "I don't care about your feelings. I like Rapunzel and I intend to have her so DO NOT TALK TO HER, DO NOT HANG WITH HER AND DEFINITELY DON'T TRY ANYTHING WITH HER."

I chuckled. "The last one, for sure but she's my friend. I speak to my friends. I don't remember you being the boss of me."

Mason stepped on my shoe. "You will see what I can really.... Oh hi, Stella." I turned around and Stella had her hands on my shoulders. I pulled them off.

"Hey, Jack." Stella smiled. I ignored her as Rapunzel caught up to us, I grabbed her hand and we walked away from the group. I chatted with Rapunzel. She told me about Corona and I told her of my life before I died and came back as Santa's little helper. Of course, I didn't tell her about the reincarnation part. I didn't want to tell anyone just yet.

For the record, you guys will be thinking it is some sort of cliché where two people like each other and other people that like them are trying to break them up but no. No, no, NO. I do not like Rapunzel. I like–never mind that. We got to lunch. It was Jessica, Mason, Rapunzel, Liam, Stella, and me, seated in that other. I always felt as though I sat at the edge so they could boot me off easily.

We laughed, made fun of people and I pretended to understand things that were very inappropriate. It didn't feel right but I was scared. If I was a loser, Stella would be a loser and if she was a loser, I was dead. I glanced over at my friends' table. I saw Rico and Amanda sitting there. I was devastated that I had been replaced so quickly then I saw Elsa staring. She wasn't listening to the others, she was hurt. I pretended I didn't see her and went back to my 'buddies'.

Eugene's POV

Lunch was a success. Hiccup had invited Rico and Merida had brought Amanda. Well, more of Amanda followed Merida there but that isn't the point. We were all talking then Amanda got too detailed about how she got her braces and everyone went quiet. Mandy was speaking so loudly, that her voice echoed around the cafeteria. Elsa seemed on edge. Someone was unusual about her. She was staring at Jack and Rapunzel's table. I had asked her but she blew. Probably thought I didn't notice her stealing glances. Mandy didn't notice that we had quietened down as had the entire cafeteria. She kept on talking and talking until...

"Don't you have anything better to do with yourself than drone about your obvious need of help with oral hygiene?" Elsa snapped.

Mandy was taken aback. "Well, I didn't mean to bore anybody. I would have brought a book to read instead."

"You obviously should have because for you to be handing out such unwanted information, you clearly need an IQ upgrade," Elsa said.

"I have an IQ of 125 for your information." Mandy retorted.

"I doubt it. I have dresses with a higher IQ than you." Elsa replied.

"Maybe I should just leave. It's not every mad dog on the street I have time to throw a stone at." Mandy sneered.

"Sure, your absence provides more joy than your presence. Oh! While you're at it, toss a stone at yourself, Mandy Mongrel."

Mandy blinked her tears away. "Fine." She muttered. She ran out of the hall leaving her half-eating meatloaf and apple. We all turned to Elsa. She refused to meet our eyes. Merida got up. Rapunzel tried to get her to sit down again but she wouldn't budge. Hiccup cleared his throat. He glared at Elsa and then turned to Merida. He spoke loud enough for us to hear but too low for anybody else. He whispered, "The place is silent. It's not the time to make another scene. When we get home, we will talk about this."

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