The Underworld Pt. 1

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( This is back when Asta was a kid and he didn't had mana or magic at that time... )

One sunny day Asta decided to explore the place that nobody is allowed to visit without the permission of Magic King...The sister Lily and others told him many times that nobody is allowed to go there...But he decides to not listen to what others told him...

After quite some time he finally finds the place but there was nothing but only a path and a meadow...He took a few steps and somehow he falls through the ground from a high height. After some quiet time Yuno realizes something strange..He realized that Asta isn't around him like he would always be...Yuno goes to sister Lily telling her...

Kid Yuno:
"Sister Lily, Asta isn't here or anywhere he knows to be..."

Sister Lily was surprised worried that she couldn't know what should she do right now...

( While with Asta )

Asta's Pov:

"W-where am i.."

Asta was confused and then he heard a loud scream coming behind the big rock where Asta was...Asta saw a demon that was hurt by the other two big demons and then Asta was spotted by another demon that was bigger than then other two...

Asta was scared when he turned around and looked at the demon but surprisingly Asta was shocked when the demon didn't do anything to him or attacked him..Next what the demon says to Asta was surprisingly shocking then anything Asta heard before in his life...


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