Living Without Magic

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*****Okay you may have seen the me and Arewethereyet are both posting the same story, this is because we have written this story together and plan on carrying on this way. Please don’t message one of us or comment that we have stolen the story because we are working together. (Yeah don’t be rude) Thank you.*****

I could feel the stares of the other people riding the flight to England today. I could feel their hatred slamming into my body. Unfortunately, empathy was not my magical power, or else I wouldn't be in this situation. I would be at my home, with a family that would actually love me. I wouldn't be on this plane, wishing that my whole life was just a dream. That I would finally wake up and have the powers I was supposed to have been born with. Unfortunately for now, I was being forced to leave my home to live with the Silents, those without any magic. They were referred to as the Silents because when you listened to their heartbeat you could not hear the sounds of magic. The Silents have all been rejected from the rest of normal society. Like I am soon to be.

I suppose I should start with the history of the Silents, the Hummers, and the Toscins. My family and most of the population are Hummers. Hummers, their magic you can hear but they are not nearly as loud as the Toscins. Legend has it that when all is deathly silent you can hear the magic of the Toscins loud and clear. When the Silents had ran the world, they prosecuted those with magic for their abilities. They were afraid and they made an enemy of us – well, I suppose it is not us anymore, but them. Then after centuries of persecution, the a toscin brought a type of salvation. The Wivinex, are called. They are also the only Toscins the magical community have ever seen. There was a short battle, between those without magic and those with magic. When those with magic won, the humans could not accept it and tried time and time again to rise up bring down the new reign of magic. In order to prevent it the ruling Toscins, the Wivinex, declared that all Silents are to be executed or exiled, no exceptions.

I sighed bringing more baleful glares my way. All the people on this plane knew I was without magic. They had heard about me. I was the first Silent child in more than a decade and news travels fast, especially of this caliber. There was a large space between me and all of the other passengers on the plane, even my mother gave me a wide berth. I resigned myself to watching the scrolling scenery as it whished by the windows of the train.

It seemed to take hours before the plane finally began to land and we were permitted to get off. My mother walked me to a cab.

“Look at me.” she commanded. I don’t think she was trying to be harsh at this moment, but as usual when she speaks to me it comes off that way. I looked up into her stormy gray eyes. Another thing the rest of my family inherited and sadly lacked. “You are never to come into contact with us again. Do you understand what I am telling you?” I nodded mutely. “Good. I was not permitted to arrange living conditions for you so you will have to find your own. From now on, you are of no relation to me or the rest of my family. I do not know you, and we are never to speak again.” This time my ex-mother did not wait for my nod of agreement, but instead she turned and walked from me, not looking back once.

I silently got into the box-like black cab. I could sense that the man driving the cab was a Silent just like me. He kept glancing back at me, which I pointedly ignored.

“I remember when that happened to me.” He said. Wait, that happened to him? Does that mean he was from America as well. “Except it was my father kicking me to the curb.” His eyes held nothing but sympathy for my situation. The rest of the ride passed by the silence of me thinking about what I used to call and what I would call home now. I was looking out the window trying to determine what my ‘new home’ could be like, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the difference clothing that the Silents wore. I looked down at my Hummer attire. Hummers were require to wear purple all the time. At the moment, my outfit consisted of a long purple satin wrap, and an even longer purple dress. My family was the definition of magic loving die-hards. I sat there for a while staring at my hands before I gained the courage to say: “Would you mind taking me to some type of store or mall or something?”

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