Where's Charlie?

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The town where I'm from, Dickensdale, was a very mysterious town. Not that many people lived in here and not that many people knew this town. Tourists often came, but never returned over the course of the next year. My town had a population of 2,000 people. Not that many right? Yeah, I know. Our town used to be popular in the '60s. Many tourists came and the population was over 18,000 people.

But one day, many of the people who lived in our town disappeared. Legend has it that a person would sneak into people's houses at exactly three in the morning, and kill everyone who lived in the house. The killer was referred to as the  "Red-headed Killer." He had red hair and blue eyes, he was tall and dreamy.

You could only see him at night but many believed they could see him during the daytime. Because of this, it chased many people out of town or they were killed by this man. This town is a very peculiar town and my parents have lived here their whole entire lives, they plan on staying here forever, but me on the other hand, I plan on getting the fuck out of this town as soon as I am off for college. My name is Elizabeth Mary Lock. My friends call me "Betty" or "Beth" but I liked to be called "Liza."

My family was average American white family, two daughters, me and my sister Charlie, my mother, Teresa, and my father, Dean. My father was always working late shifts and wasn't around much growing up, but whenever he was around, it was never for long. My dad is a man who is very passionate about his work and he knows almost nothing about me. My father cheats on my mother and she knows about it.

She doesn't say or do anything. In fact, she allows it to happen and she doesn't care. My mother is a woman who loves to go on diet and eats nothing but healthy food and encourages me and Charlie to do the same. She is a dentist and my father is a news reporter. My sister, Charlie, used to have a boyfriend, Jacob. Jacob was the twin of Janis. Janis is a bitch. She's self centered and doesn't care about anyone but herself.

I'm starting to think that she's a narcissist because she all does is talk about herself and puts herself on this really high pedestal. Janis is the cheer captain and is always the student body president. Me and Janis never really got along growing up, she always thinks she's better than everyone else just because she grew up rich and privileged.

Jacob died two months ago. He committed suicide but the reason for it was unknown. During school, I would often see Janis cry and I used to tell her things would be okay. But being the bitch she was, she told me to get my hands off of her. I keep my distance from Janis and I try not to talk shit about her because I know she has a hard life.

Jacob on the other hand, played football and got along great with everyone. Everyone loved him and respected him. People used to think he and Charlie would most likely get married but because he's dead, that's no longer guaranteed.

Charlie is pregnant with Jacob's baby, she's having twins. Kind of exciting how I'm going to be an aunt. Did I expect for this to happen soon? No. I didn't. I didn't even know Charlie was sexually active, but I'm just happy she decided to keep the babies.

Charlie and I fought a lot growing up. We had this cat, Claire, and my sister swears to this day, it's my fault the cat died. We were outside playing and I said, "Charlie, go get the ball!" and she sighed and said, "Okay, fine." She ran across the street but tripped over her shoelace. Me being lazy, I said, "Claire! Go fetch!" and Claire ran across the street and got hit by a car. She didn't die on the spot.

Charlie and I both screamed in fear. "Charlie, go get Daddy. We need to take her to the hospital or to the vet." Charlie ran inside to call for Dad. My dad came rushing outside and saw what I have done. He whispered something to Charlie and she went back inside.

"What did you do, Beth?" I was standing next to the bloody cat and with tears going down my face, I looked up to seeing my dad smirking. "N-Nothing." I said. My dad kneeled down next to me. "Aw, my poor Beth." He patted myself head and gave it gentle rubs.

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