Memories Of A Lifetime

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Stiles / Thomas POV

Its currently last period of the day and i am so tired. I fell asleep during lunch and fourth period as I didn't get any sleep last night. I just had the same nightmares as a do every night since arriving back home after 3 years of being missing. No one really knows what happened when i was gone.

Third Person POV

"Right class, listen up. Today we are going to be looking into each others minds to see what each other are thinking and imagining." The teacher said excited to see what goes on up in a teenagers head.

About 7 people had been and the teacher had noticed that stiles had fallen asleep half way through. All of the teachers in the school know how Stiles doesn't sleep much and rarely get about 30 minutes a night. However she thinks it is rude as he isn't paying attention.

"Since Stiles has fallen asleep in my class and hasn't listened all the way through we are going to look through his memories to see what he is dreaming about."

A random student goes and carefully places the helmet on his head and the teacher gets ready to show his memories and dreams to the class.

"How is that Stilinksi. He is always happy and sarcastic." Jackson says unable to believe what he has just watched

"Is he ok?", A random student asks.

"Stiles is fine he is just emotional at sometimes, I've been through worse," Scott says not wanting all the attention on Stiles but him instead.

"Let's watch another bit of his mind then shall we." The teacher says while Danny is worried for Stiles. Even though they talk that much they can relate to things and have nice conversations to each other.


"How did we not know this was going on." A student points out

"Alright next one class"

Stiles starts to move in his sleep but soon settles down again.

"He looks scary but hot at the same time." A classmate says while drooling over void Stiles.

"What happened to him."

"He was possessed by an evil spirit called the nogitsune." Scott explains and everyone has a look of sorrow on their faces.

Everyone was so shocked to see what had happened to Stiles but even more shocked to see him act happy an sarcastic all the time.

"What was all over his face."

"Who is Newt?"

"NOOOOOOOOOOO," Stiles screamed as he woke up from another nightmare.


"It's all my fault, I'm sorry.'

Someone ran up to him and hugged him tight until he had calmed down and was breathing properly.
That person was Danny.

'It's ok, calm down. Your safe," Danny whispered to Stiles hoping it would calm him down and thankfully he did.

"Make it stop," Stiles said not wanting to show anymore of his memories.

As he grabbed the helmet of his head not wanting to see anything else one last memory showed up on the screen and stiles knew what it was straight away.

He gripped onto Danny even tighter not wanting to let go and Danny let I'm and hugged him more.

When the video finished Stiles was crying so much he couldn't breath soaking Dannys t-shirt along the way.

Some students had tears in their eyes as they watched what was happening.

And the pack all felt awful as they didn't know a big part as one of their friends lives.

The next day

It was the next day and something had changed and everyone knew.

Stiles didn't put up his act of being happy and sarcastic instead he walked through the hallway with red puffy eyes and his hood up almost covering hid face. Stiles didn't really want to speak to the pack except one person so made hid way over to them.

Stiles had become closer with this pack member over time due to their experiences and things in common.

Danny welcomed Stiles into a hug as soon as he saw him in a hoodie and red puffy eyes. They hugged until the bell rung for lesson which was for about 5 minutes and the rest of the pack just looked confused as to when they got so close.

So over the next couple of months Danny helped Stiles become happy again and to admit that Newt wants him to move on and be happy and so will all the other gladers want him to be to.

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