chapter 1 the connection

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Now u might be wondering I already know everything about girls and their Bff's but you don't know about this one......

It was mid October and amy, sasha, and grace where best friends it only took one day and 1 hour to become close like we did, now there was only one problem jack he was amy's boyfriend we loved amy but we hated jack we never liked him from the start but wanted to keep amy happy so we kept our mouths shut no matter how many times we wanted to slap him.

Amy and jack where in love their relationship was something different from others and in some cases that's good, now you might be wondering what made it so amazing well don't worry it wasn't sex, jack had her back and was there for her when ever, but no matter how amazing he sounds he's not.

Grace, amy, and sasha had their special place where they would always go tim hortans now I know I know that sounds awful but where teenage girls that love bagels, anyways we had our special talks there some might say that there surprise we haven't been kicked out yet.

We spend ever weekend together having sleepovers now there amazing better then any I've ever been too.

Our sleepovers start like this we all go to amys, we spend our night in her room laughing making drunk videos and playing sims on our ipads by the way our drunk videos is just an app I got on my tablet that makes your voice sound drunk but we really don't need it because we are just crazy weird.

One sleepover sasha and grace were doing karaoke and trust me when I say this we really put on a show, amy was skyping jack at the time and she put the ipad on the couch facing us and we are singing our hearts out and shaking our butts infront of the ipad, when we were done we turned to the left and saw what we thought was jack but wasn't staring at us on skype and we freaked out I think his words to that performance was and I quote "the girl with the cute butt is amazing" and he was talking about grace.

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