chapter 1

23 1 0

guide: y/n- your name, bff/n- friends name

you're a monster!                                                                                                                                                                  go die freak!                                                                                                                                                                              you are not a human!

those words really hurt me. I don't know why. my aunt always saying that it was not my fault. I just can't control my quirk when I was little. so she enrolled my on U.A high. 

on phone

bff/n: hey y/n! I heard that you are going to transfer in U.A high! 

y/n: yea. this quirk is too much for me so....

bff: girl. don't worry about me! okay? enjoy your new school!

y/n: this is why o love you dummy.

bff: hahaha love you too! i have to go now byyyeeee!

y/n: bye..

end call

"hey dear. your uniform just arrived so i'll leave it here on your table." my aunt said and she put my uniform on my study table "okay.." I didn't say anything. Just laying on my bed emotionless. "hey. it's going to be okay." she sat on my bed and patting my head "tomorrow I will go to U.A right?" I asked looking at her "yes so get ready, sir Aizawa will wait at the school entrance tomorrow. you can buy some stuff for your new school right now if you want." she said as I stand up "sure I only need a new bag and a notebook" "Here some money to buy some stuff that you need" she gave me the money and thanked her. I wore a a short and a hoodie "aunt i am going out now!" "okay! take care!" she shouted back and now I go to the store.

time skip 

I arrived at the store I look for a normal bag and once I found it I took look 4 journal, 5 highlighters, and colored pen set. I was about to go to the cashier to pay all the stuff and suddenly I bump into someone and fell. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! let me help you!" said the green haired boy with freckles as he helped me getting my stuff back and helped me up "It's okay. it's my fault. I didn't where I'm looking." I said as I giggled "by the way what's your name?"  I asked "oh I'm Izuku Midoriya" he said smiling "nice to meet you Midoriya. I'm y/n l/n" i said as we payed our stuffs and someone yelled "hey damn nerd! took you so long!" a blond boy yelled at midoriya "friend of yours?" I asked "yea that's katsuki bakugou my childhood friend" he said as bakugou came closer "hey nerd! let's go back to the dorm or else sir aizawa will be mad!" Aizawa? maybe they are my classmate tomorrow? "oh. we have to go now. by the way what school are you attending?" midoriya asked "oh i was attending at (school name) but i was transfered at U.A high now" I said as bakugou looked at me "so you're transferring in U.A.. what's your quirk." he asked "um transformation and manipulation. my parents said I got it really rare cause my dad's quirk was hypnotize and my mom was telekinetic" I said looking down "maybe you're adopted when you are little" bakugou said as my eyes widened "kacchan! you don't have to-" I cut midoriyas  words "no. wait. I think I have an Idea. some people mistaken that the pro hero mystic (a/n:i just made it up) is my mom cause I look like her and her quirk... I don't know -_-' " i said as midoriya spoke "i think you should go home now. it's getting dark" he said as i nodded "well i'll see you at the dorm tomorrow then" as i smiled and waved goodbye to midoriya and bakugou.

at home

"hey aunt tadaima (I'm home)" I said as I removed my shoes and wear slippers for indoors "oh okairi (welcome home) did you get what you need?" she asked and i nodded "well get yourself some dinner and pack your baggage because you are moving to your dorm early" she said as I came to the kitchen and saw a katsudon "haha you really know my favorite aunt" I sat down and eat. "of course you're my niece after all" she said smiling" and  when I am  done eating I go up stairs and start packing and my pet parrot started talking "what'chu doing?" i smiled as he landed my shoulder "sorry peachy i am going to my dorm tomorrow early in the morning and i don't know if pets are allowed there. so stay here. if I know that pets are allowed you are coming with me"  i said as i put him back in the cage. " don't worry mr. Aizawa said pets are allowed on the dorm so you can bring him with you" aunt said as i smiled. so i changed into my pajama and go to sleep


i was wrapped with my warm blanket and my aunt woke me up. "hey dear. wake up now. i already send all your stuff in your dorm. so you need to take a bath now." she said as i sat up and stretched 'today's the day y/n so get ready' i thought as i stand up and take a bath

at the dorm 

damn i'm so sleepy. gladly i had a nap on the car. when we arrived at U.A  i stepped out on the car and fix my uniform and my hair and then i saw sir aizawa. "you're y/n l/n right?" he asked "yes sir" i answered "you can put your pet next to the sofa of the dorm and you can fix your dorm after class." he said as he leads the way to the classroom "good luck y/n" she said as i waved at  her good bye. when we arrived at the class room called 1 - A. sir aizawa told me to wait outside at the classroom. and the room was a bit noisy but when sir aizawa came in the noise stopped. and then when sir aizawa called me to came in. the class looked at me "so class we have a transferee today. please introduce yourself." daaaaamn i'm so nervous.. "h-hi i'm y/n l/n a-and my quirk was transformation and manipulation. nice to meet you all" i introduced myself " kinda look like a pro hero named mystic" said the yellow haired boy "yea i know i always heard that" i answered "who is you parents l/n-san?" the pink girl asked me "m/n l/n and f/n but u-um i accidentally killed them with my quirk when i was little so my aunt is taking care of me" i said sadly "oh my god! i'm so sorry to ask you that!" she apologized "it's okay!" i smiled "now l/n you can sit beside bakugou" sir aizawa said as i nodded and sat beside bakugou and then i felt someone poking my back and its midoriya he passed me a note and it said 'i didn't know you make into class 1 - A' i giggled quietly and write a note back to midoriya 'yea i already knew that you are my classmate' "okay class get your hero costumes ready and go to the gym because we are going to train with the big three" sir aizawa said as i got my costume "big three?" i said confused "they are the top hero candidates in all of japan. the other one is pretty shy" midoriya said grabbing his costume "oh.. well we have to get ready now" i said as i go to the woman's changing room

at the changing room 

when i was changing i was struggling to put the final piece on my hero costume " need a help?" a purple haired girl with a earphone jack asked "sure thank you" i thanked her and she tied my corset like piece of my costume "by the way, i'm kiyoka jiro" she said and she is done helping me "wow your hero costume is so aestheric!" the brown haired girl complimented me "thank you!" 

your costume:

your costume:

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and we talked and talked until the other girls are finished changing 'wow i have many friends already' "we have to go to the gym now kero" tsu said as we go to the gym the boys are waiting for the big three and then i saw midoriya and bakugou

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and we talked and talked until the other girls are finished changing 'wow i have many friends already' "we have to go to the gym now kero" tsu said as we go to the gym the boys are waiting for the big three and then i saw midoriya and bakugou.  "hi bakugou!" i ran to them "oh hey dumbass" i look at him "oh now you call me dumbass" i said pouting and midoriya is laughing nervously and for some few hours the big three came. well they kinda look strong.

to be continue 

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