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OCs that'll be used

'Berry' - Berry is a nickname that she was given by her older brother, as a kid. She tends to use it in place of her actual name. Her brother is about  6 years older than her. She's also a lesbian.

She has pretty dark skin, which show off her beautiful eyes and hair. Her hair is a light blue. Eyes are a teal. She wears more of a tomboy style. When she does wear a skirt, she'll wear knee high socks.

She is a smoker, along as her brother.

Bell - Bell has two older brothers, 21 and 24. They're alcoholics and smokers, along as her, which they get from their mother. She is also a bisexual.

She's a emo who wears oversized band tees, skinny jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves than cover her arms. Her hair is a pinkish-red, eyes are a soft red colour. She has pale skin, mainly from not going outside and always covering her skin.

This story is gonna be in high school, so Berry is 15 and Bell is 16.

Yes, Bell does self-harm, but that's beside the point.

The age I have them for normally is 23 and 24.

I hope you enjoy.

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