Chapter 1

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"For the last time Blake, no!" Asce practically growled at her younger sister.

The raven haired girl ran a hand through her locks. Her younger sister wanted to go to a highschool to "observe" the teens, but they all knew she just wanted to go there to fuck as many girls as she could.

"Come on Asce! It could be fun! Look I even got a flyer from the school and everything." The brunette said excitedly. Blake always had crazy ideas running through her head but she never acted on them unless she really wanted it.

"It could be a good experience Asce." Shadow said. Asce turned to the girl and stared at her with a 'really' look. Shadow chuckled and leaned against the door frame as she watched the eldest and youngest argue on if they should go to school or not.

Shadow looked at her elder sister. Asce has black hair and grey eyes, her hair dropped a little below her shoulders and was bone straight it was usually just brushed through unless they were meeting with someone, that's when the raven haired girl slicked it back. She was wearing her usual outfit, worn leather jacket, black v-neck, dark grey cargo pants and black combat boots. A hair tie sat on her right wrist as well as a military watch. Asce wore the necklace that Blake had given her on her 17th birthday. Without even looking, Shadow could pinpoint all of Asce's tattoos.

A demon wing sat proudly on the right side of her back taking up all of the room on that side, the wing was black with a red interior, the tips were a blood red. Opposite of the demon wing sat and angel wing, it was the typical angel wing, majority white with pale blue lining every now and then in one of the feathers. The words 'Never Forget' sat on top of the wings in fancy cursive and bright purple ink.

A tattoo of a dragon crawled up her right arm as its head rested on her shoulder, in its jaws a beautiful red rose that had just begun blooming. The dragon was golden with burning red eyes.

On her left forearm sat a black rose. Fully bloomed with a small amount of blood dripping from one of the petals.

Turning her attention to the youngest Shadow took in her appearance. The youngest had dark brown hair which was straight and short, keeping it into a faux hawk and always pointed along with pale blue eyes. There was a small scar on her bottom lip. She had a single hoop piercing on the right side of her bottom lip. The girl wore a hoodie, black faded semi skinny jeans and grey converse, her right ear was pierced at the top. She had a charming smile that could lure anyone to do her bidding. Blake was a charmer and used that to her advantage in any way she could with strangers.

Shadow was almost like a mixture of the two, black hair that had streaks of brown. Much like the others, Shadow had her own hair style, a simple ponytail with bangs covering her right eye, slate grey eyes, a smile that could melt even the coldest hearts. Today she was wearing black jeans, tight black v+neck and black converse.

Asce sighed as she looked between the two, Shadow was smirking and Blake was begging, well her form was, in her eyes Asce could see she was demanding it.

"Alright fine but if anything happens I'm not bailing your asses out." Asce stated and turned to leave before Blake tackled her.

Blake cheered and turned to hug Shadow but didn't see her sister in the spot.

"Hurry up Blake!" Asce yelled. Shadow that little shit. Grinning the girl sprinted out of the house slamming the door behind her.

By the time they got to the school they were enrolling in, second period had already started.

"Can't believe you dragged us out here just for school." Asce grumbled as they walked up to the front desk.

A middle aged lady sat at the desk talking to students and teachers, she had blonde hair and brown eyes, laugh lines adorned her face. She turned her kind brown eyes to the three sisters who entered the building.

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