Chapter one

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"Good morning Y/n!" Your classmates greet as you walk in the school entrance. "Good morning!" You smile back.

Today was only your first day of your second year at Karasuno, yet, since you had gone to Karasuno last year too, you were pretty well known.

You quickly put your shoes in your locker, exchanging them for the other pair that was left in there, and walked down the halls. You were in no hurry to get to class though, since you had come a earlier today. Your eyes slowly roamed the halls, landing on whatever was visible, but gradually drifting to the windows. The sight of the beautiful cherry blossoms caught your eye. You loved cherry blossoms, everything about them was so mesmerizing to you, to be honest you had always loved flowers in general. Especially ones that were a mix of vibrantly yet calmly colored.

You suddenly realize that you've stopped walking and were now standing in the middle of the hallway, your classroom door, to the front right side of you. You sigh as you pull the door open. There was no one in the room except you and this other boy. He had his feet propped up on the second desk to the right of the middle window and was humming a tune while gazing out at the beautiful scenery outside. When he heard you come in, his head jerked towards you and your eyes locked with his. He had big confident brown eyes,his dark brown hair was spiked up, and in the very front he had a short bleached blonde strand.

He gave you a quick smile and looked back towards the window once again, thankfully before he saw your pink tinted cheeks. You sat in the seat next to him, closet to the window. While waiting for the other student to come in, you too glanced out the window admiring the view, all the while taking quick peeks at him, with the light shade of pink still lingering on your cheeks.

Chatter filled the room as more students walked into the classroom. You let out a heavy sigh as now all the peace and quiet was gone. After greeting your classmates with a 'good morning' and settling in, your teacher finally came in, five minutes late.

"Sorry class! There was some traffic this morning." Your teacher spoke. "Anyway, how about we start off the day with introductions! Now I know many of you probably know each other from last year, but it's still good to introduce yourself to people that maybe you didn't know. I'll go first, my name is Mrs. Sato." She smiled, writing out her name on the chalk board. One by one she pointed to the students around the room to stand up and state their name and brief details about them, like if they were going to join a club or in one already.

Then her finger landed on the boy that was in the room when you first arrived.

"My name is Nishinoya Yuu, I'm the libero of the Karasuno volleyball club." He smirked, his feet still propped up on the desk. She jumped around to a few more kids until it finally landed on you.

"My name is L/n Y/n, nice to meet you." You say as you shift in your seat.

When everyone finished introducing themselves, class started. Everything was really just a review so no one was really paying close attention, especially Nishinoya. He kept shifting in his seat and moving around. The teacher asked him to stop a few times, but it seemed like it was just hard for him to focus. Suddenly, he fell backwards in his chair and the whole class started giggling.

"Now, now class settle down." Mrs. Sato instructed. Once again the class was silent.

"Are you okay?" You whispered to Nishinoya as he sat back up in his chair.

"Yep, don't worry about it." He said confidently smirking.

The teacher handed out some review worksheets to do independently. All that could be heard throughout the room were the sounds of pencils gliding across papers. Everyone was in a focused state of mind, all except one person. Nishinoya was spaced out, using his pencil as a pretend mustache above his upper lip. He had his hands relaxing in the back of his neck as he wiggled around his pencil with his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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