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I walked along the stony path shivering as I felt the cold stones against my bare feet, the cold burning slightly against my skin. I didn't mind though. The cold made me feel awake and alive. Although the night was beautiful there was something eerie about it, like I was being watched. I looked at the old oak tree that I had fallen off of and broken my arm when I was six. I remembered how I had run inside crying to my mother who had promptly screamed at the sight of my mangled arm.

My own imaginary screams echoed in my ear, loud in the quiet stillness of the night. Willow trees rustled and swayed gently and the small river running through the garden splashed quietly.

I walked up to the small rose garden in the front of my house, moving my hands across the leaves and petals. Each rose petal was soft and buttery against my finger tips. I was not supposed to be up, but I just could not go to sleep. It always calmed me to go outside and I did this almost every night.

I sat at the willow tree resting my head on the bark. I looked around the yard until I saw the most surprising thing you can see in the middle of the night. A girl who looked about my age smiling at me, looking relieved that I had finally noticed her. I jumped up, startled "Hello?" I said terrified and half of me wanting me to bolt away. Normally, I would have ran away but there was something about this girl that I found intriguing. I looked at her up and down trying to figure out why she was here. The girl laughed and said "Hello, I guess you're probably wondering why I am here" she said reading my mind exactly. I twirled my long brown hair like I always do when I don't know what to say or do. The girl softened, noticing my discomfort and began again. "I'm here to enroll  you in an academy." she said. "In the middle of the night?" I said curiously completely caught of guard and confused. The girl laughed again acting like she did this everyday. "I'm Melody" she replied. Then, Melody started murmuring to herself, saying how she should always start like that, or say she was not dangerous. I started to wonder of this was a dream, although it felt much to real. After what felt like an eternity she said, "This academy is not like normal school" the girl said it slowly like she was not sure if she should even say it. "How?"I asked confused once again. The girl bit her lip before replying "It's a school for misfits" she replied. "But not just that, much, much more" I nodded slowly "I...I am not sue how to process this" I said. Melody gave me a friendly smile and said "Perhaps we should take a walk" "Okay" I replied slowly unsure what to do. As we set out along the path I realized I was still barefoot and in my pajamas where as Melody did not look anything like that. Melody had black hair with light brown skin. She was wearing black boots white pants and a button up brown coat, I suppose she wore that because she did not want to be seen.

"Well" she started catching me off guard "we are not just a boarding school of misfits, we all contain something very special, magic" she said her eyes glowing with excitement. 

Hello! Currently I have stopped writing, but i would be happy to continue if anyone would  wan me to, so comment down if you want me to continue the story. Thank you for reading this!  

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