The Storm

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It was February of '89. Michael had just wrapped up his sixteen month Bad tour and after a whopping 15 countries, 123 shows, and many records breaking he's finally home.

He mentioned to the media and vowed it was his last tour due to the damage done to him, both physically and mentally. He was drained.

He wasn't sleeping right, his already small appetite has all but dissipated, and he felt the loneliness brought on by the level of fame he's reached. No one can understand this level of fame he has achieved, the pressures and sadness it brings with it. The very pressures and sadness he's grown acutely aware of during this time.

Each country he visited gave him a warm welcome and of course he could feel the love from his fans. Oftentimes he would watch their faces while he performed. He saw faces full of admiration, of happiness. They truly loved him and that's all he wanted.

So many fans attended his shows. He knew he was loved but once off stage in a chaotic rush he'd be whisked away, surrounded by bodyguards, to a car and back to the quiet of what seemed to be an endless stream of hotel rooms.

The stark difference between the stage and emptiness of his hotel rooms was a lot for Michael to handle. And often unable to sleep, it left him too much time in his head.

It wasn't all negative though. He did try to make the most of it, it's not everyday one gets to travel from city to city around the world.

Family and friends would visit from time to time and he and Bill got around quite a bit due to some special effects tools he purchased for disguises.

But nothing beats being home. Being home gives him a bit more freedom.

Now he could focus on not only making new music, but building his dream home. But before any of that Michael just needed a break, something rare for the workaholic superstar and he realized during a visit from his sisters.

Janet mentioned the cabin the family owned up north. Michael remembered Randy mentioning it a few months ago but Michael, not being one for leisure travel, didn't think much of it.

Janet thinks it provides the perfect opportunity for Michael to go and unwind. Plus, it's located in an area that only fellow cabin owners have access to, so he wouldn't have to take security with him.

It didn't seem like a bad idea. Something many didn't know about him was his love of nature and since Janet was so adamant about it, he thought why not and decided to visit.

A week later Michael arrived at the cabin.

It was large, two or maybe three stories high with tall, glossy windows in the front. There was a fire pit and outside furniture near the cedar steps leading into the house.

It was nice, but the view around it was even nicer.

There were so many different kinds of flowers and the trees were full and plenty. And with the chirping of birds and rustling of the leaves, it was all so breathtaking, magical even... especially for someone who has practically spent the last two years in cities.

Despite the gray overcast, Michael really just wanted to take in the moment and he already knew he'd miss this. It was beautiful.

Once inside he took in his surroundings. The inside was impressive as well. The large windows made the space look bright.

He picked a room to stay in and after settling down Michael wasn't quite sure what to do with himself, so he decided to go for a walk.

Janet had mentioned that there was a beautiful river not too far off the property. Michael wanted to see it for himself and since he hadn't seen a soul on his way there, he figured a disguise was unnecessary. He threw on his raincoat and headed out into the cool evening air.

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