Chapter One

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Beep, beep, beep!

The alarm rang at 4 o'clock in the morning, routinely. Arwyn slowly lifted his head up from the pillow, angrily staring at the clock.

"Fuck you," he told the alarm clock, monotonously. Smashing the dismiss button on the clock, he plopped his head back into the pillow. He yelled into the pillow, and rolled out of his bed onto the floor. Arwyn looked up at the ceiling.

"Another day, another moment," Arwyn sighed. He jolted up and stretched to get his body working for the day. He rushed to the bathroom where he took a speedy shower. Arwyn then brushed out his short, blond hair, styled it, and grabbed his halo to wear for the day. After brushing his teeth, he put contacts in and sped to the bedroom to complete his outfit. Arwyn moseyed to the standing mirror.

"Looking perfect, as per usual, Ari." He grabbed his bag and raced out of the door. He spread his pearly wings and flew towards the city. In his view, there were a considerable number of residential homes that were owned by a range of newly ascended souls to somewhat veterans of the land above. The closer Arwyn got to the center of Heaven, the taller the buildings appeared. Finally, he reached a corporate building: A.N.G. Corp.

Arwyn dropped to the entrance of the building. He was greeted by many people left and right, with his usual response of ignoring them. Making his way through the lobby, he entered the elevator as another person did too. Arwyn looked at him.

"First day?" He asked, smugly. The other angel looked down submissively in response. The elevator opened and Arwyn strolled out. He made his way through rows of desks.

"Arwyn! Rockin' the tan suit like you always do, huh?" His supervisor, Jeremih, asked in a friendly manner. Oh, perfect, Arwyn thought. He stared holes into Jeremih's eyes.

"Not today. Fuck off, respectfully," he said with no hesitation. As he continued to walk towards his office room, Jeremih tugged on his coat. Arwyn swiftly turned around.

"What?!" He yelled. Jeremih flinched and smiled fakely.

"Forgot to tell you, the big man GOD wants you in his office. He called me to tell you when you got in." Arwyn looked shocked, but he understood.

"It must be something important. Thank you," he nodded. Jeremih nodded back. Arwyn made a u-turn back towards the elevator, where he pressed the button to the top floor, where the most honored employees worked right beside GOD himself. Arwyn huffed, and pulled out a pair of shades, placing them neatly on his face. The doors opened to a moment he had never seen before; angels were scattered all over the place, panicking left and right. There was a lot of unnerved yelling. When he stepped out of the elevator, everyone stopped and looked at him. They all pointed left towards GOD's office. He nodded and walked his way there. He entered the office.

"Arwyn! My buddy! Well, it's good to have you here in front of me," GOD said, cheerfully. Arwyn cringed. Not only because of his over cheerfulness, but also because GOD was a big ball of light. His rays of light still managed to pierce through Arwyn's sunglasses.

"Now, I called you here because I know things about you that you don't even know," he continued, "but, I'm sure your mother will tell you sooner or later." Arwyn blinked, unimpressed.

"Sir, I'd hate to be a bother but I have to go back to work-"

"Sh! As I was saying," interrupted GOD, "I have an important mission for you. You see, someone was supposed to come to Heaven but instead was taken to Hell. Their files somehow got mixed up. Basically, in a manner of professionalism, I request that you go down there- specifically to the 10th floor- and retrieve the files."

Arwyn sighed. GOD handed him a personal passport to Hell. He hesitated before taking it, reluctantly.

"Good, good! I knew you could do me proud." GOD beamed brighter than before. Arwyn turned on his heels and walked out. One of the panicked angels in the office grabbed his arm.

"You are going to fix this, aren't you? It was our error we're completely at fault and-"

"Enough. Let go," He growled. The angel let go and Arwyn walked into the elevator.

He looked on the back of the passport which held the numbers 666. He pressed the 6 button 3 times. Suddenly, the elevator went dark, then the lights glowed red. Arwyn felt his soul drop, and so did the elevator, at a tremendous speed.

He let out a yell of alarm. Then, after what felt like forever to Arwyn, the elevator got its control and slowed down. Through the glass elevator he saw a vast orange desert, before it entered a building. The elevator slowed and eventually reached the 1st floor. The doors opened, as if nothing happened. He plodded out of the elevator.

"They... They need to come up with a better travelling system to-" Before he even finished his sentence, he vomited straight onto the floor.

"Ah... Shit," he said, wiping his mouth. "Someone oughta clean that up." He stood up straight and leaned against a wall.

After a while, he recollected his composure and decided to take the stairs. Why me, he thought. When he got to the tenth floor, he opened up the door to find what looked like half rotting bodies working on their eternal duties. He cleared his throat.

"Do any of you have a file you're not supposed to have? You know... A file that looks too innocent to be in Hell?" He asked them in the same manner you would ask a child. When he received no response, he huffed. This was a stupid idea. Do I even get paid enough for this shit?

"I believe I do, angie," someone said behind him. He turned around sharply. It appeared to be a demon who was much taller than he was. He grinned at him in a sinister way.

"Don't fucking call me that," Arwyn responded sharply. The demon pulled the files from behind his back and waved them in his face, condescendingly. Arwyn tried to snatch them from his hands, only for the demon to hold them up higher above his head, out of his reach.

"If you give those to me within three seconds, you have a 78% chance of not getting your ass kicked." Arwyn threatened.

"By who?"

"Look, I'm not into kinning Satan or whatever it is you do in this dump."

The demon let out a laugh. It was sharp- piercing almost. Yet somehow still deep.

"You don't scare me. Those horns aren't fooling anybody. You look like your name is David, so let me break it down for you, nice and simple. Dave, buddy, if you don't hand over those files, I'm going to break your fucking nose."

"It's Lucius. Prince Lucius," Lucius said, looking down at him with fierce, yellow eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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