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 From the moment he had entered her shop she began to question him. Who was this mysterious stranger and why had he wandered into her oddities shop of all places? Times were so much simpler back then and everyone was able to breathe without feeling anxious about what was to come.

To her disappointment their time together was coming to an end. At first, it wasn't clear what his motive was and she thought for one second that he actually might stay. However, he had a job to do and she had grown to learn that. This was the last night they were going to be able to spend time together. All this was because of some stupid demon who was planning to destroy the world.

"Are you sure you have to go?" She questioned as she stared up at Pablo with her doe eyes. It felt as if he was refusing to meet her gaze for a moment before he sighed. "I can't even describe how much I would rather stay with you." His eyes finally met hers and he smiled slightly. "The Jefe needs me though." He whispered as he took her hand in his. She shook her head and pulled away before standing up from the couch and wrapping her arms around herself. "This doesn't feel real to me-."

Her eyes were filled with so much pain and Pablo wished he could take all of that away but he couldn't. Not yet at least. Without hesitation he pulled her against him and for a moment everything felt normal. No Deadites, no Necronomicon, and for once none of Ash's perverted jokes. It was just the two of them.

"Pablo! Time to get on the road! Bill won't see us coming!" Ash called from outside of her shop and Pablo took in her scent one last time before he took her hand again. "Come along, Mi amor." he whispered and led her to the lobby. With each step they took, it felt like everything was in slow motion.

He turned to her one last time before placing a gentle kiss on her head. "I promise that when it's safe I will find you again. I don't care how long it takes. I will find you again."

That was hours ago though and now he was on his way to save the world. Someday he would be able to hold her close again.

"You okay, Pablo?" Kelly asked from the front seat. Pablo gave her a small nod before he gripped the Necronomicon in his right hand. "Yeah, I'm just ready to get this over with. I'm ready to end this." Kelly smiled and nodded to him. "She'll be okay. Trust me, that girl has a lot more fight in her than you think."

 Kelly was right. He knew that she could handle herself. As the silence returned he moved his gaze to look out the window. It was going to be a long drive.

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