Ice Becomes Streetwise (not done yte!!)

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n*genndrts binbhs ssif sfdnsa a8* hopeflly this works to hsver a a ctual story this time 

^Ok boomer...

Ice had been walking for far longer than ever before. Hir arms and legs were extremely cold, not to mention hir chest, though it's not like ze could do much about it as people rarely left strips of duct tape, gently used, on the ground to be found in such times of assault-related wardrobe malfunction. Hir usual outdoor exercise was a walk around the neighbourhood, or at most walking back from the IMVU store, if someone else in the house TRULY needed the car. Even then ze was never walking alone. It was a warm day for October when ze had ran away from home. The minute, and only provision (the banana) had been eaten many hours ago, and now the sun was receding into the depths of the West, while the unsavoury street life crept out from the shadows from which it was borne. 

Lost in an unfamiliar area of town and with no mental maps to go by and no knowledge of navigation at all, Ice was surrounded by different crackheads on every copy-paste street. In hir mid-teens ze did not even have the capacity to map out the specific areas of cities ze had travelled on vacation, let alone the lower East side of hir own city. Every road or house looked both far away and close to home.  

A group off shuffling, pant-sagging street people walked up to Isen. One was dressed in what could only be described as Eminem meets 1700s royalty. It may conjure up images of a rapper in his finest seafaring jacket, but in reality it was Eminem with dummy thicc amounts of lace over everything! Ice thought it looked quite gay, even for homeless people! Another wore a white shirt 2 sizes too big with a corset overtop. Ice was confused as to where someone who lived on the streets would be comfortable to be in any way fem, or would even find anything so fashion-forward, but ze was still biased from hir home universe. The whole group was decked in pink and purple rags of rude fit hanging off them. It was like all the trans people from East Hastings had gathered into a support group. Half of them were even wearing wigs and lipstick. Ice was now suspicious that they were trans women. They still looked incredibly sketchy so ze wanted to show them the best respect possible to avoid "street stuff" happening. 

"Evening, ladies! You look pretty as the night herself!" 

"Ay! Now how's a bigoted turd eater got the right to say anything?? Just because you're a lady doesn't mean we are!"

"I'm NOT!" Ice exclaimed, aghast at the instant misgendering, as opposed to the ask-and-receive system the whole rest of the city used. "I'm not ANY of those things! What's wrong with you??"


"Could you look anymore conformist? I mean this would look good if you were mtf but as a man it looks shit!" 

"How does that make any sense?"

"Well, well, well, if it isn't a little midnight bride!" He hasn't shaved and flips his stupid sleeve around. It looked like a child's dress up box on Canada day! He says some more stuff in reference to hobo stuff and wants ice to feel scared and new but not overly afriad. he takes ice evetually by offering a jacket and ze is happy about theat but thehn  they take hir to the streets and ofer bad didrectiosn so ice thinks to move alon. ice starts to thhiink about how immature ze uis and skirl cause he didnt help. ice sees skirls facre in many hobos they tease his for not being androgynous enough. 

Sonny laid in the back seat of the electric car slicked with sweat and various other things, Sweetah curled up in his lap. She looked really nice as the sunset illuminated her hair. It was getting cold soon, though they had heated up the car as it was beginning to do so. Sweetah was particularly slimy, but she had her shirt back on. Sonny was extremely exhausted due to the events of the day. He was patting Sweetah on the head and making her feel safe. It was the least he could do. He hadn't gotten laid in [#] days. He was feeling pretty good even though there was no need to bang this random girl. 

"Damn, I am so dehydrated!" Sonny sighed brushing a hand through his sweaty hair.

"You're... Covered in water," Sweetah giggled. 

"Your water," Sonny said, smiling. 

Sweetah laughed really hard even though it really was quite profane. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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