Chapter One

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It was an unusually boring Friday for Ezra, who would usually be at some crazy party. He had spent the whole day after class in his apartment that he shared with Levi, his roommate and best friend. He hadn't bumped into the other man all day, which was again, unusual. Not only had he stayed in his apartment, but he hadn't left his room for any other reason than to eat or take a piss.

Ezra was a petite guy with a slightly alternative look and dyed platinum hair that was usually partially covered by a black hat. his hair was medium length or maybe it was considered long for a guy, he was often mistaken for a woman. Which didn't bother him in any way. The chicks dig it and he didn't mind the attention from other guys. He wasn't gay or bi as far as he knew, but he's always wanted to have sex with one. Maybe that did make him a little gay.

He sighed as he hopped off the bed, feet hitting the small plush carpet that was layed over the hardwood floor. At the moment he was wearing an oversized t-shirt and some lacey women's panties. Why? well, it was just a hobby, he didn't wear them all the time because they weren't the comfiest, but they made him feel things, good things. He had been lonely, usually getting fucked by bitches on Friday and going to cool parties.

He finally left his room for a different reason other than to eat or piss he was on his way to find Levi.

Levi was a gym rat that was always chugging protein shakes and healthy food. Ezra couldn't relate at all, he only ate unhealthy food. He was slightly underweight, and Levi tries to help him by offering him protein shakes, but Ezra doesn't feel the need or want to put on any weight. Levi was very caring but had a temper, he controlled it well but Ezra loved to tease him. Really pushes limits. Jasper thinks he shouldn't do it because, well, it's obvious. Levi is a 6-foot 4 muscle head. Whereas Ezra was a scrawny little thing, barely reaching 5'6.

Levi would never hurt Ezra, he's one of the few people that could almost never make Levi snap.

As Ezra was walking into the kitchen looking for him, Levi entered the front door. Ezra hadn't even known he had left.

They both jumped slightly, being surprised to see one another. "Hey what are you doing home, you never stay home on Fridays?" Levi spoke, putting his gym bag down by the kitchen table. It wasn't Levi's usual workout day, but he really does enjoy the whole fitness thing, so he probably couldn't help but go to the gym.

"Yeah well things are boring, so I stayed in my room and watched Netflix. Like I wish there had been some chill there. Do you have any idea how bored I've been?" Ezra sat down at the kitchen table in front of Levi who was hunched over resting his elbows on the countertop.

"Yeah I got some sort of an idea." He ran a hand through his wavy brown hair. His hair was actually light brown, but in the lighting with their kitchen looked just plain old dark brown. "If you were so bored why didn't you come with me to the gym?"

Ezra audibly scoffed. "Yeah right, me, the gym, I don't think so." He rolled his eyes, which slightly got on Levi's nerves.

"Yeah well, you're too scrawny." Levi picked up Ezra's arm and dropped it back on the table.

"Well the ladies don't seem to mind. I'd say they actually enjoy my small frame." Ezra said with a mocking tone, flexing his arms with the little muscle that he had.

Levi stared at him. Ezra didn't believe there was really anything wrong with how skinny he was, but Levi always seemed to worry. "Yeah maybe, but I think putting some more meat on your bones could be a good thing. You know." He spoke softly.

"Naw. I'd rather stay the way I am. I'm still healthy after all, so I don't see the problem." He tapped his heels on the legs of the chair, visibly angering the larger man.

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