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As I woke I expected the smell of bacon and my mother standing in the doorway bringing me breakfast as usual, but I was only met by a stone cold wall with a steel door with a tiny window and uncomfortable bed. As I sat up I looked at my surroundings to find something that was familiar to me but failed. I got up out of bed to see if I could see out of the door's window but it was foggy so all I could make out was a long hallway with multiple doors along the walls. I went back to the bed to sit on it and try my best to remember how I got here, but right as I sat down the steel door swung open and in the doorway was a lady with a white coat, I noticed she looked as if she was in her late twenties. She started to walk towards me and with every step she took I moved more to the back of my bed. As she noticed the movements i was making she stopped coming towards me, and just turned around and walked out of the room. As she left I felt relieved but also curious why she just stopped and walked out without saying anything.

Your still here?? Well I give you anime meme because I like anime.

Your still here?? Well I give you anime meme because I like anime

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