Jobs & Descriptions

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• Co-Admin: You will take lead when the Main Admin is incapable of updating the followers and getting in the articles. 【FILLED】

• Creative Cover Creator (or CCC): With each magazine, you will be required to create a cover and send the link to the Main Admin (or Co-Admin). Note: you must have a method of creating a grade A cover, meaning a PC will more than likely be involved.

• Interviewers (2): With this job, you will choose one writer (each) and ask them questions about their Kuroshitsuji work. They can be an Undiscovered work, or a popular one.【FILLED】

[Note: All interviewed authors will receive a follow from this profile. The workers' follow is optional.]

• Fangirl/Fanboy Mania (2): You get to choose up to 2 things to fangirl/fanboy about per issue. They can be absolutely anything (well, nothing innappropriate).【FILLED】

• Poll Takers (1): You will create a single poll every month for the readers.

[Note: The results to each poll will be posted in the next issue, along with another poll.]

• Favorite Undiscovered Gems (2): With this job, you will be tasked with revealing a favorite Kuroshitsuji Fan-Fiction each month, though, it must have under 10,000 reads. Note: you will be required to provide the story's description as well as why you love it (no spoilers though).【FILLED】

[Additional note: Each Undiscovered Gem chosen will be added to a reading list and receive votes based upon their number of chapters.]

• Manga Chapter Reviewer (1): You will choose a manga chapter that is dear to your heart and review it. It can be a new one, or an older one.

• Fan-Fictions of the Month (2): This job is simple, all you have to do is choose a single fan-fiction, provide its summary, and give your reasoning for choosing it, as well as a rating.

[Note: The fan-fictions chosen will receive votes on their works, based upon however many chapters they have.]



• Rapid Rants (2): With this job, you will choose one subject, each month, to basically rant about. It can be about Fanfictions, the anime, the manga, something specific in the Kuroshitsujiverse, etc..

• Fanfiction Review (2): With this job, you will be tasked with reviewing requested stories here on Wattpad. You can choose to vote for them, or not; I leave the decision up to you. I will assign the story to you, however. You will only be required to read a minimal of 5 chapters. (If there are less than 5 chapters, then that will be all you shall be required to review.)

For people to request that their stories be reviewed, they must either privately message this account, or post a comment on the first article in our first issue (currently).

[Note: Each story reviewed will be added to a reading list specifically for those that have been completely reviewed.]


• Extras (3): You MUST be highly versatile with this job because you COULD be tasked with fulfilling any of the above jobs. 【FILLED】

Each issue will be posted around the middle of the month (15th-17th). Deadlines MAY be extended, based on how many articles have been turned into the Main Admin and/or the Co-Admin.


Now that those are out of the way, I ask that you comment below which job you're interested in and how often you're on Wattpad. I hope to hear back from all of you!

Yours truly,

☆ The Main Admin ☆

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