I don't know...

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A/N: At this point folks, I really don't know if I want to continue any of my stories anymore. I'm lacking the motivation to. I have no time on my hands. And let's be honest, I'm not as creative as I used to be. The pressure's just too much right now to the point where I'm contemplating on deleting this whole account and all it's contents. I'm truly sorry to disappoint any of you.

Just kidding! No the real announcement I have is that I'm dropping the Christmas one-shot I've had saved in my drafts for quite sometime tonight, and it's going to be quite long to make up for my lack of efforts. On another note, I'm also dropping the sequel to The Losers Club tonight as well, with its first chapter this following Sunday. I've made a plan to drop a chapter for that book every other week. So I hope any of you who are looking forward to it are prepared, because it truly will be a wild journey. Now with that said, I also finally finished editing the last few chapters for Semblance. That and it's sequel will be posted sometime before the end of next week. The pressure really is on for my writing, but I assure you I can endure it. That's all—Happy April Fools!


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