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It was an early cold morning, snow danced past the windows of the massive mansion, soft snores echoed throughout the large rooms and halls. Light was beginning to bleed through the windows and onto the floor.
Despite it being so early in the morning a faint tapping began echoing through the mansion as small skittish legs ran around in attempt to make as much noise as possible.

In a large bed, in a rather large bedroom there were two people lay in a bed, securely tucked into eachothers arms. Unfortunately due to the skittish sounds this awoke the smaller figure.
Tubbo groggily opened his eyes, he made a poor attempt to wiggle out of his fiancé's long arms, once finally freed from the boney prison he sat on the edge of the bed for a minute, listening for the skittish sound once more, trying to make sure he didn't imagine it.

Once hearing it again he sighed, becoming a responsible parent took a lot more effort than he thought, unwillingly he stood up and slowly made his way down the long, massive and empty halls, until he reached the room emitting the annoying sounds.

"Miiiiichael" Tubbo drawled out, "Why are you awake it's still too early" Tubbo whispered, making an attempt to grab the toddler zombie piglin.

Tubbo sighed for the second time that day when he received only grunts from the toddler. Once he finally manged to grab the energetic piglin, he moved his way over to Michaels bed. As he leant over to tuck the toddler back in Michael let out various grunts of displeasure.

"What?" Tubbo groaned. "Uhmm.. Do you want to sleep in Ranboo and I's bed..?" Tubbo said, half not expecting a response from the piglin.

To his surprise Michael seemed to perk up about that, Tubbo smiled to himself. Tubbo began to hold Michael correctly, holding him against his hip he made his way back down the long halls to his bedroom.

To which he then encountered his fiancé.

"Ranboo, why are you out of bed?" Tubbo puzzled,

"For someone so small, you create a lot of warmth" Ranboo grumbled groggily.

This encited a small chuckle out of the short ram hybrid, "Here," Tubbo said handing Michael over to Ranboo "You hold Michael, I'll go make us something as an apology, is that okay big man?"

Only receiving another grumble from the enderman hybrid, Tubbo went on his way, he travelled down the stairs and into the gigantic kitchen, and began his well crafted apology.

Ranboo stood in the hallway with Michael in their arms. They didn't have much time to process what was happening until a couple minutes after Michael was shoved into their arms. Upon finally reaching a vague conclusion of what was happening they went back to bed. With a new living heater, Ranboo climbed underneath the beds covers, they held Michael up to their chest, cuddling with him almost as if he was a stuffed animal, Michael decided to remind them that he was infact not a stuffed animal by letting out a couple snorts and oinks. Ranboo loosened their grip but still held Michael to their chest, and let their eyes fall shut.

Tubbo traversed the stairs once more, this time with a tray in hand, on this tray? There were three mugs, one of them was significantly smaller than the other two, but all three of them were filled with the same steaming liquid. A rich brown liquid filled the mugs to the brim. Tubbo was careful as he walked, trying to make sure he didn't spill any of it.

Tubbo stood in the doorway to his bedroom, feeling a warmth envelope his chest and heart, he felt like his heart was going to explode. He felt so overwhelmed at the sight before him, it took him everything to not drop the tray with the hot chocolates and clench a hand over his heart. His gaze lingered on the two forms in the bed before him, he smiled sweetly looking at his fiancé's messy hair, that always looked so fluffy to touch, their face was slightly flushed from the multiple blankets and the small piglin heater he was clinging to. Bringing his gaze down to the said Piglin heater, Michael was curled up into Ranboos torso, his fur was messy, if it was even possible for short fur to be messy, there were very vague snores that sounded like oinks coming from the tiny form.

He carefully made his way over to the bed, placing the tray on the bed stand next to it. He climbed into the bed, still feeling exasperated at the sight he was ever so lucky to witness, he decided that maybe, the hot chocolates could cool for.... a little bit.

He laid down beside his son, on the other side of Michael was a knocked out Ranboo. Sandwiching Michael, Tubbo reached his arms out and wrapped his arms around Ranboo, laying his head atop of Michael's and into Ranboos chest, he slowly fell asleep with a small smile on his face.


Tubbo awoke to a.... bouncing on the end of his bed..? The boy groggily sat up once more, the sun had completely risen and the bright sunlight was pouring through the window, and the snow had toned down a little bit, yet it still snowing. Tubbos eyes were drawn to the toddler Piglin giggling and bouncing on the end of his bed.

"Michael.. stoop.. " the boy groaned, bringing his hands to his face and covering it, Tubbo felt a shift beside him, and felt arms wrap around his waist,

"What time is it" Ranboo vaguely mumbled from beside him, Tubbo looked around the walls of the bedroom for their clock, his eyes widening once he read the time.

"SHIT!" The ram hybrid exclaiming, he fumbled out of bed and quickly stood over the bedside table he quite easily could've accessed from in the bed.

Tubbo pouted and crossed his arms "Fuck, I wasn't meant to sleep for that long"

At this point Ranboo had finally decided to sit up, they had grabbed Michael and held him in their arms, in a poor attempt to calm the hyperactive toddler down.

As Tubbo inspected the mugs he realised they were all empty, after mumbling confused cusses under his breath he finally spoke up "Where did the hot chocolate go?"

Ranboo brang their gaze over to their fiancé, "You made hot chocolate?"

"Yeah big man, as an apology for leaving you alone earlier"

Ranboo made a hum in recognition, "Do you think Michael drank it all? It would explain why he is so hyperactive"

Tubbo was silent for a minute, and then turned to the piglin, who had noticed the off vibe Tubbo was giving, quickly scurrying out of Ranboos arms, Michael hurried out of bedroom squealing.


Ranboo laughed at his fiancé, watching as he ran out of the room after the zombie piglin toddler, Ranboo held a smile of adoration was adorned on their face.

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