Chapter 1 :)

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2b2t was anyone's worst nightmare... Cobblestone walls as high as the eyes could see, water covering the ground and flooding areas completely, lava and fire scorching the surrounding area, the only thing you could smell for miles was blood and smoke, and the fighting... The fighting was the worst part to most. There were no rules, the server becoming hacker's and troller's personal playground. People who haven't heard of it or were born on another server were considered the lucky ones. But for the people who were born in this hell hole of a server were the unluckies of the bunch. The fighting was never ending and the weak were always killed off for sport. Life wasn't valued. No one had any friends, most people betraying others as soon as they could. No one was safe... Everyone was dangerous until proven otherwise. But within the sea of people who were born on this anarchy server...

There was Dream...

The blonde was born on the server and was immediately abandoned. He didn't know who his parents were and he never got a name. Like everyone he was born without a name. So he made up his own... He happened to choose Dream, not really knowing why. He just thought it fit him. Names didn't matter much on the server, no one getting close enough to ask for names. It was always kill and never talk first. But Dream chose a name anyways. He was just lucky enough to be able to grow up and not meet a terrible fate... Most people don't get to grow up to see another year of their life. But Dream somehow survived ten painful years in the worst Minecraft server in the world. At the age of ten Dream was already a killing machine, having multiple deaths caused by him and his diamond axe. Anyone on 2b2t didn't get a childhood, having to grow up as soon as possible if you would like to survive.

Unless you call fighting for your life a childhood...

Dream's hair was tied back in a messy bun, the boy unable to cut it. It wasn't like he really cared about it anyways. He wore a light blue hoodie, one he had stolen from someone's abandoned chest. Underneath he just wore a sleeveless black shirt that was a little ripped. His black cargo pants were a bit baggy but were held up by a dark brown belt he got. His brown boots have seen better days, being worn out and I've red in mud and soot from fire and lava. A diamond axe was hanging from his belt, the blade covered in dry blood from the people who were unfortunate enough to run into the powerful ten year old.

Dream had been walking around for the longest time. He really didn't have anywhere to go, letting himself wander as he zoned out. He was far away from spawn and had even found a way to get away from all the towering cobblestone walls. He found it easier to breathe the further he got away from spawn, the open area right there in front of him. That was a first... It had been so long since he had felt grass beneath his hands and feet, and he finally saw animals he had never seen before. Most mobs were killed as soon as they spawned for food or items... Here the sky was actually clear and blue, dull emerald eyes looking up to see the white clouds floating through the sky. He carded his messy hands through his tangled blonde hair with a sigh as he walked. Anyone who flew over the boy's head with an elytra didn't pay mind to him, leaving him alone for now. Honestly Dream thought someone would attack him sooner rather than later.

After walking for a little longer he stumbled upon what seemed to be an abandoned base. It was nothing special... Just some stupid house that was made of cobble stone and whatever blocks the mystery builder could find. No one else was around, Dream seeing no players flying around or wandering the broken land. Somehow it was still standing, the build being somewhat stable. The boy was surprised no one had burnt the building down or destroyed it for extra materials, wood being a hard thing to come by these days. The blonde shrugged and broke the door down with his axe, slowly making his way inside. There wasn't much and most of the chests were empty. The place wasn't lit at all, no torches or lanterns in sight. Luckily Dream's eyesight was better than most, the boy used to not having a lightsource.

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