Love at first sight

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All art I show is not mine!🚨


Gons POV.

I wake up and smell bacon and eggs , so I go downstairs where I'm greeted by my aunt mito "hey gon , I made you food!"said aunt mito. "Okay I'll just eat it on my way to school since ....wait...SINCE IM LATE"Gon says while rushing to school seeing as though he missed the bus

Killuas POV.

We have a new student today huh?" What a nuisance"killua says

Alright everyone please treat the new student nicely"the teacher said

'Gon walks thru the door' hello! , my name is gon frecess!"a pleasure to meet you all!"Gon says while he bows down and feeling a bit nervous

Killuas POV.

Heh , he's cute"....he will be mine.........

Gons POV.

You can sit next to ...hmmm" Killua!" The teacher says

Killua raise your hand"the teacher says

Gon sits next to killua'

Killuas POV.

Yes...he sits next to me"I'll ask if he wants to be friends"killua thinks to himself

Hey Gon wanna be frie-"killua gets interrupted

Hey Gon wanna be friends!"says retz

Sure !"says Gon

......"I will kill her..."says killua quietly but angrily

After school'

Killua walks up to retz

Hey retz can I talk to you behind the school at 5:00?"says killua while trying not to laugh

Retz says sure and before killua knew it , it was 5:00

Retz was waiting until...

"BANG" dumbbells hit her head and she collapses...

She passes out

She wakes up in a basement...

Killua?"You there..?"killua"says retz

Hehe"...this is what you get for taking to filthy slut"killua says while laughing

What do you mean..?"says retz as she trembles in fright and as she try's to stay strong


You touched Gon..."

He slices open her head

You talked to Gon..."

He slashes her stomach open....

You became gons friend..."

Lastly he sliced her up into pieces as she screamed , tho , she died pretty quickly

The next day...

Gons POV.

I hope I can see retz today !"Gon said as he excitedly woke up ran downstairs said "hi" to his aunt mito and rushed out the door he actually forgot to eat so he was pretty hungry when he arrived in class.

Killuas POV.

Today I can finally talk to Gon without anyone interrupting me..."said killua as he let out a small grin

Hey Gon!"said killua

Oh hey!" You must be killua right?"Gon said while closing his eyes tilting his head and smiling

Yep!"said killua
Wanna be friends?"said killua

Uhm well uh I kinda-don't really know you and plus retz would be kinda mad if I ditched her today to talk to you sorry !"please forgive me"Gon says innocently not trying to hurt killuas feelings

...."killua stays quiet as he rages in his head

After class'

In the hallway'

Gon was walking in the hall looking for his class when

Hey your the new student right?"says some random girl

Yeah!"why?"Gon says while turning around to face her

Well uh..Umm.."she says nervously

What's she doing talking to him...?"says killua

.....that's it.."says killua as he walks towards them to hear what their talking about.

Well...Will you go out with me!"says the girl

...well-I don't Really know you I'm sorry.. , "Gon says while trying not to hurt her feelings. 

WHY YOU LITTLE BITCH"killua thinks to himself

YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TALK TO HIM , ONLY I DO ONLY ME"he thinks to himself as he lets out an intense aura which causes the girl to run away in fright

Killua walks away...

The next day

Killua walks up to Gon.

Hey Gon!"says killua hoping he can become friends

Oh hey killua !" Says Gon with a smile

Gon..wanna be friends?"since retz hasn't shown yesterday or today?"says killua knowing he'll become friends

Sure ,!though I do miss her and I do wonder where she is"says Gon as he looks down and pouts

Hey don't be sad "says killua as he grins while holding in a laught but at the same time he's patting gons head

Well killua!"says Gon excitedly

Yes Gon?"says killua confused

I wanna show you some of my other friends!"says Gon as he tilts his head smiles and closes his eyes

Other friends.....?"says killua in an angry yet quiet voice

Huh ? What did you say killua? I couldn't hear you?"says Gon in an innocent voice

Nothing.." says killua as he plans something...while smirking and looking at Gon

What's with that look killua?" Says Gon while tilting his and in confusion

Nothin" says killua while making a cat face

Okay!" Says Gon not thinking much of it

Author's note

I will be continuing this so don't worry!

Yandere killua 💕 killugonWhere stories live. Discover now